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Talent is something you make bloom.
Exactly, Morj actually preaches facts when he says stuff like this, hes been on fire lately with critiquing Wano but the fanbase keeps attacking him hard elswhere for it lol.
Problem with Morj is that his predictions suck ass.
He got that "coc is the key for wano" by sheer luck because any sane person would say it was stupid to start stacking dozens of powerups in the same arc.

I like his analysis of things that ALREADY HAPPENED.
Predictions? thank you, but no.
Lol, are you for real? no one, literally no one thought they would do that much whatever they did against Kaidou before Oden flashback. It is not that they were made useless, it is that Oda made them more than what they are. Reread Dressrosa and Punk Hazard, you will see how much boost Kinemon got. Basically, scabbards got more wank than any other arc side characters. They fucking got to fight an admiral. Literally, this work and till now, straw hats are looking more like side characters than main characters, and this manga is more like samurai manga than pirate manga.
No one did but tbf no one really had any idea how strong most of them were so.....
they were made useless
not everyone gets the luxury of getting knocked out and getting back stronger.

depends on which strawhats you are talking about tbf
you only get an arc to really flesh out a majority of the scabbards so I think their panel time is deserved
yes in some arc , side characters can and should get more plotlines than some main characters. Momo this arc was the perfect example of that.
kinemon in punk hazard could do all the things he did in a team fight against kaido
its hard to see that when he gets owned by law and doflamingo but just because those two were stronger than him shouldnt erase the fact that he had displayed what we now know as ryou prior to the arc and could always cut fire. this boost you speak off really is the disparity of fan expectation and what they were actually capable of when given enough time to shine.
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