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Talent is something you make bloom.
Other than fanservice scene and that's not even her fault , I don't find any other thing bad about her character.
Everyone character doesnt need to be perfect.
Nami not able to fight Ulti is not a bad thing.
I like the motherly aspect of Nami.
Nami is still great character.
And she actually has room for growth.
But I don't trust Oda to handle it good.
Because no matter how good scene Nami will get , he will overshadow with some shitty fanservice scene. And one piece fan service isn't even good.

Nami actually get many cool scene and she was actually better character than other strawhats in onigashima.
Not a single scene had as much impact as Nami saying Luffy will become pirate King or Nami standing up against Kaido.
Atleast according to me.

Although you are right , Oda-san is capable ruining it more like how he ruin Zoro and Luffy both in Wano.
More the character get focus , more bad they come out
The only redeeming hope I can muster, is that, since Wano was "scabbards emotional arc", this "emotional" weight from following arcs can be given back to the SH's, therefore, giving them more impactful and meaningful moments throughout the entire arc.
What I don't like, is that the characters in one piece arcs only have "moments". They don't have "good arcs", they have "moments inside an arc". But the weakness of "good moments" is that they can be overshadowed by "bad moments".
I think Usopp's entire journey during Water7/EL might be the last time I've felt that.
And to throw Nami a bone, I actually enjoyed a lot her "closure" with Jinbo during FI, forgiving him despite Arlong.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Minks Gone Wild, Unrated Furry Garchu Action
Nami riding Zeus like a monket god when? :steef:
Nami (who I believe is Uranus/the Moon Princess/Queen), won't ride Zeus, but her power up will be really cool, and similar.

Nami will research Sky Clouds in Wano/Elbaf, and find out how to produce them using the Clima-Tact by manipulating water vapor and Pyrobloin. This is a great power up for her: Nami will be able to create clouds that can be used as vehicles, platforming, and shielding. This also allows her to use clouds to lift people out of the ocean/save them once they fall in by using the clouds as life preservers.
The only redeeming hope I cant muster, is that, since Wano was "scabbards emotional arc", this "emotional" weight from following arcs can be given back to the SH's, therefore, giving them more impactful and meaningful moments throughout the entire arc.
What I don't like, is that the characters in one piece arcs only have "moments". They don't have "good arcs", they have "moments inside an arc". But the weakness of "good moments" is that they can be overshadowed by "bad moments".
I think Usopp's entire journey during Water7/EL might be the last time I've felt that.
And to throw Nami a bone, I actually enjoyed a lot her "closure" with Jinbo during FI, forgiving him despite Arlong.
hopefully since Wano is the culmination of a very long saga that started in Punk Hazard, Oda can start anew.
Maybe he'll be able to give the crew good moments if he doesn't introduce 50 new characters in the next arc


Talent is something you make bloom.
hopefully since Wano is the culmination of a very long saga that started in Punk Hazard, Oda can start anew.
Maybe he'll be able to give the crew good moments if he doesn't introduce 50 new characters in the next arc
Maybe, but let's remember that we are on the final saga, with, AT LEAST, 2-3 big baddies to deal with, a Grandfleet to appear again, revo army, cross guild,etc.

One can hope.
But damn, it's hard.
Maybe, but let's remember that we are on the final saga, with, AT LEAST, 2-3 big baddies to deal with, a Grandfleet to appear again, revo army, cross guild,etc.

One can hope.
But damn, it's hard.
my copium is that pratically all of these characters are already etablished in the manga so Oda doesn't need to develop them. Just have them fight in the background and that's it.:pepecopium:


The only redeeming hope I can muster, is that, since Wano was "scabbards emotional arc", this "emotional" weight from following arcs can be given back to the SH's, therefore, giving them more impactful and meaningful moments throughout the entire arc.
What I don't like, is that the characters in one piece arcs only have "moments". They don't have "good arcs", they have "moments inside an arc". But the weakness of "good moments" is that they can be overshadowed by "bad moments".
I think Usopp's entire journey during Water7/EL might be the last time I've felt that.
And to throw Nami a bone, I actually enjoyed a lot her "closure" with Jinbo during FI, forgiving him despite Arlong.
Yeah that's the point many of Nami cool scenes get overshadow by bad scenes.
Fishmen and Punk Hazard are prime examples.
Same happened with Wano. Like they forget about Nami cool moment because of bad scenes. It's not even reader fault. It was just a moment not a arc so it didn't leave much impact in non-Nami fans.
So they think Nami was treated very badly in wano.
You can still draw cool fanservice but had to go do a scene that will leave a bad taste in mouth.

Nami also got arc in Jaya/Skypiea learning about romance of sea. Problem is that character arc hasn't ended yet. Closure will be endgame , if Oda didn't forget it.
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