Yes I did. So what? That was for different shit. Didn't you wanna know how things are going here?
but i'm not gonna download an app that uploads all my contacts to their unprotected servers and the owners can read every chat etc.
Why do people think telegram is safe when it's evidently not?
1057: The Balance of Power
- Chapter starts at Marineford that is completely in ruins
- We see dead marines all over the place with pirates standing over them
- Fujitora lays on the ground all dried up with Crocodile walking away from him
- We see Kizaru bleeding out on the floor with Mihawk standing over him
- We then go to Akainu's room, he is sitting on the ground breathing heavily with a shadow is standing over him
- That shadow is Buggy who is laughing maniacally
- Akainu: 'Damn clown! who could have predict that you are the user of the legendary devil fruit, the Atom-Atom no mi, the most powerfull fruit in the world that when awakened turns it's user into a God that has control over all atoms'
- Chapter end with Buggy erasing Akainu from existence and saying:
'The time of the Marines is over!! The Cross Guild will now be the law!!'