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I've thought about requesting a new theme here btw guys. I've been quiet about it as I was taking breaks from here but its been 7 months I think since I last did one and if they are still available for requests and thus someone to make them, in the same way I did the Kidd theme, I really want to request ones for certain characters.

There are 4-5 characters I really want to see get themes at least. The most difficult part is which one but I was planning on choosing Shanks to coincidence with Film Red coming out too and thus hopefully his appearance in the manga finally (which we did get albeit it was film hype bait and nothing more ofc sigh).

I was also worried we might end up with too many on here to choose from and it would make the list kind of obnoxious to deal with, especially on mobile?

I was tempted to request a temporary poll for this thread or make a thread with poll included to decide which character out of the ones I think should get a theme for here next. Buggy is definitely a major inclusion especially with his new immense gains too lmfao.

My ideas were Shanks, Whitebeard, Kaido (Calamities and maybe Yamato included), A Strawhats themed one especially if Yamato and or Carrot join and whoever else soon as well as including Jinbei now ofc,, Nami and Robin specific ones too and thus a Buggy one too.

I can tell which more of those would probably get the most votes and which ones will probs get the least votes though especially lol.

Kaido theme:steef: Zoro theme 2.0 :steef::steef::steef:
redon also posted a gif of a counter going from 1 to 10 then jumping up into hundreds, thousands and ending at 9999.

Might mean that a whole lotta people join. Hence the idea that Momo and Carrot join as honorary Straw Hats like Vivi. Luffy turning the next generation of world leaders into his followers.
If that was the case, there were a million other ways to put a gif of a count up. The whole thing about the gif was about the road poneglyph.
I've thought about requesting a new theme here btw guys. I've been quiet about it as I was taking breaks from here but its been 7 months I think since I last did one and if they are still available for requests and thus someone to make them, in the same way I did the Kidd theme, I really want to request ones for certain characters.

There are 4-5 characters I really want to see get themes at least. The most difficult part is which one but I was planning on choosing Shanks to coincidence with Film Red coming out too and thus hopefully his appearance in the manga finally (which we did get albeit it was film hype bait and nothing more ofc sigh).

I was also worried we might end up with too many on here to choose from and it would make the list kind of obnoxious to deal with, especially on mobile?

I was tempted to request a temporary poll for this thread or make a thread with poll included to decide which character out of the ones I think should get a theme for here next. Buggy is definitely a major inclusion especially with his new immense gains too lmfao.

My ideas were Shanks, Whitebeard, Kaido (Calamities and maybe Yamato included), A Strawhats themed one especially if Yamato and or Carrot join and whoever else soon as well as including Jinbei now ofc,, Nami and Robin specific ones too and thus a Buggy one too.

I can tell which more of those would probably get the most votes and which ones will probs get the least votes though especially lol.

nice idea but frankly, there are enough themes imho
I've thought about requesting a new theme here btw guys. I've been quiet about it as I was taking breaks from here but its been 7 months I think since I last did one and if they are still available for requests and thus someone to make them, in the same way I did the Kidd theme, I really want to request ones for certain characters.

There are 4-5 characters I really want to see get themes at least. The most difficult part is which one but I was planning on choosing Shanks to coincidence with Film Red coming out too and thus hopefully his appearance in the manga finally (which we did get albeit it was film hype bait and nothing more ofc sigh).

I was also worried we might end up with too many on here to choose from and it would make the list kind of obnoxious to deal with, especially on mobile?

I was tempted to request a temporary poll for this thread or make a thread with poll included to decide which character out of the ones I think should get a theme for here next. Buggy is definitely a major inclusion especially with his new immense gains too lmfao.

My ideas were Shanks, Whitebeard, Kaido (Calamities and maybe Yamato included), A Strawhats themed one especially if Yamato and or Carrot join and whoever else soon as well as including Jinbei now ofc,, Nami and Robin specific ones too and thus a Buggy one too.

I can tell which more of those would probably get the most votes and which ones will probs get the least votes though especially lol.

Buggy or the Cross Guild needs a theme

Gorosei Informer

Kaido theme:steef: Zoro theme 2.0 :steef::steef::steef:
I did think Zoro deserves a glow up new theme too. The newer themes for Mihawk, Big Mom, Sanji, Perona etc by @Worst for all of them I think have been so amazing so I'd love to see more by them or someone else if possible sometime!

I think we get a vote on new ones at the end of this year like last year too? A public and a seperate VIP vote one for 2 new themes? Could wait for that but I'd be happy to pay for a new theme again as I've been meaning to for a while.

I had planned to get a Shanks one requested for here back since March/April.
Yeah, Ledon is a Yamato baby, but you guys are forgetting one thing.

Ledon is a kid that believes One Piece belongs to him more than any other fan. He thinks so highly of himself as of that regard that he will never say a bad thing about the series. And that's stronger than his Yamato passion. He will defend One Piece even though Kokoro granny ends up being Im-Sama, so...
Sounds like a cope to keep beliving Yamato is getting dumped when no credible leaker has implied anything of the sort:optimistic:

Gorosei Informer

Buggy or the Cross Guild needs a theme
Lmao for real, since we have Cross Guild, we could def do one based on that too! That bounty poster in the chapter for them was FAR too good especially with how menacing it made Buggy look too!

Mihawk does have an amazing theme on here already so not sure if he needs including for another one but I'd love to see Crocodile get one. I did toy with a Crocodile and Doffy themed one as an idea before too.
If Yamato doesn't end up joining the crew, GODA will truly be back. Peak fiction perhaps incoming.
Bruh. How the fuck does that work? Oda created a retarded character, spend a fuckton of time on her/him/it whatever. And then she didnt join. But we still had to endure her character and waste a lot of time on her.

Fuck this "Goda" shit.
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