
Tobidara Believer
I really don't like it personally. Call me a purist/hipster or w/e but I love the 2D animated style of OG Trigun and series back then. They had serious heart, charm, character and such. This just feels cold, mechanical and lacking heart and "animatedness" for me.

3D animation can be great, I love a lot of 3D animated films out there and I enjoy 3D cutscenes in games at times but this just feels so grim, so cold and unlike the Trigun I knew.

Granted I never read the manga too so I'm just going by my memories/nostalgia of the OG series but that series was really something beautiful/wonderful/special to me. One of my first anime ever and first DVDs I got of an anime too. It means a LOT to me. Priceless memories and feelings.
It's okay Ghostly, I rather 2D as well.
I'm just saying that we should give support for them. 3D/CGI didn't reach the hand-drawn animation level yet(for a TV series), however they'll keep improving.

I see lots of people hating without watching to judge :/


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
Wow, I’m stuck at ep 95 or something. Really just having a difficult time
Took me some time to finish Gintama from the moment I started it.

Japanese humor doesn't get me most of the time so it was a struggle. Not like nothing made me laugh but some of the most common gags there are literally lol that is funny? type of deal to me.