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CoC: Color of Clowns

Minks Gone Wild, Unrated Furry Garchu Action
The absolute injustice Oda did to smoker will forever make me angry.

He was the one
He should have trained with Aokiji

I don't want smoker to be a yc3 in the final arc
Vegapunk is going to give old Smokey some upgrades, I guarantee it. Training with the world's greatest expert on Devil Fruits will do wonders for Smoker. Hopefully he gets some cool tech, too.

Remember how Spandam had Funkfried, his Elephant sword? I hope Tashigi gets a cool Devil Fruit sword, too.

Maybe Smoker's weapon could eat a Snake Fruit, so it could wrap around his enemies?
Let me remind everyone, this SSG’s FIRST FEAT… The very first feat Oda has presented for SSG is getting OFFSCREENED BY Rayleigh… That’s THE FIRST THING we can use to scale SSG… Getting offscreened

Marine stock cannot get lower
Boa & Rayleigh’s bounties are above 1.5 confirmed
One Piece Chapter 1059: ???
—Bounties for Rayleigh & Boa are given, both surpass 1.5 million berries.
—Coby is debriefing Fujitora on their defeat at Amazon Lily with most of the chapter being a flashback.
—Rayleigh & Shakky made it to Amazon Lily in time to fight off the Marines with Hancock and Rayleigh defeated the SSG off screen.
—We do not see it.
—Boa Hancock’s history as a slave is revealed somehow.
—The Blackbeard Pirates alongside Moria try to recruit Hancock at the end of the chapter.
I'm all for Koby taking the L like the pathetic piece of shit that he is but this is fake af lol
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