Lol, says the guy who's desperate enough to use non-canon material to make a point.

You're wasting energy if you're hoping that triggers me lmao. That Lord of the Coast's rival Shanks is the same guy who made Kaido believe he could beat him:

That proves nothing. All I implied was that Kaido never took down the people who were called stronger than him because he never met WB and Big Mom after their separation. They're the foremost of the people who could be called stronger than him in the past two decades. He seemingly never took down Garp too. He also avoided men capable of cutting him down as a matter of fact. That's why he ran from Shanks. This isn't to say Kaido wasn't the WSC. It's just that the statement from the anime was wrong and doesn't align with the manga. So don't be so insecure.
Blah blah blah more Lhankstards delusion. Killer called Kaido the strongest pirate btw
Blah blah blah more Lhankstards delusion. Killer called Kaido the strongest pirate btw
Killer is a such an avid powerscaler, it is very smart to trust the opinion of a guy who can't even hurt Kaido.
Did he know Crydo was defeated 8 times, and captured 17 times

"Mid diffed" lmaoooooooooooo
Tell me Kaido's score against Luffy again?
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I can't with these delusion Lhanks fanboys and AdmiraLtards. Didn't read the rest
Ofcourse I'm not talking about fodder R5 Luffy. Have you not read Nika vs Kaido? He couldn't do shit to Goofy then got one shot lmao
Killer is a such an avid powerscaler, it is very smart to trust the opinion of a guy who can't even hurt Kaido.
Did he know Crydo was defeated 8 times, and captured 17 times

Ofcourse I'm not talking about fodder R5 Luffy. Have you not read Nika vs Kaido? He couldn't do shit to Goofy then got one shot lmao
AdmiraLtards are speedreaders :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::milaugh::milaugh::milaugh::milaugh::luffylaugh::luffylaugh::luffylaugh::luffylaugh::kailaugh::kailaugh::kailaugh::kailaugh::broocry::broocry::broocry::broocry::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha:
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Just face it you guys
They're equals
At most its Mihawk=>Shanks

But EOS Zoro/Kid/Law Mid diff easily

Imu has already begun the EOS power creep

I can safely push my Shiryu who fights Zoro=>Mihawk and Shanks agenda
Wihawk is way better than Lhanks. Even black Kidhawk mid-diffs Lhanks