Sigh I have a feeling I won't like this chapter.

1. Oda should really deal flesh out blackbeard and coby situation some more.

2. Should flesh out the revos response to what happened to Sabo and the situation at hand.

And then after doing that focus on bonney


You are weak, you need to dig your heels in and never change your mind. Ever.
Giovanni will forever be best villian,Mew two best legendary and Red best protagonist.

But I will preach no matter what that Gen 2 has the best games in the series
Remakes remain untouched too.


Trainer Red > Every other MC in the Pokemon Game series
Remember when he was secret final boss in Gen 2
Giovanni will forever be best villian,Mew two best legendary and Red best protagonist.

But Gen 2 has the best games in the series

Remakes remain untouched too

remember when he was secret final boss in Gen 2
I raged quit the first time because his Pikachu wiped 4 of my 6 Pokemon.

Gold could never beat Trainer Red if we didn't control Gold.

Red is the ultimate trainer when you see

...... 'Trainer Red wants to battle'

You knew you fucked up


I raged quit the first time because his Pikachu wiped 4 of my 6 Pokemon.

Gold could never beat Trainer Red if we didn't control Gold.

Red is the ultimate trainer when you see

...... 'Trainer Red wants to battle'

You knew you fucked up
He had 4 starters plus lapras.
I was so underleved when fighting him.
INteresting that when I click Lance to go back to the original post to see if he posted it all I see is your quoted comment

Besides what is smoker going to do?

He lost to a person weaker than the people koby face (Boa, bb and Weing zi).

Smoker was fodder by daffy and had to be saved by a former admiral but when Boa tried the same all the Marines got fodder except coby.

Also a yonko had to capture coby. Can't say the same for smoker.

But obviously he may have gotten tech advancements from vegapunk