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Formerly Seth

Because if Oda want to use "Ace" for her, she is rebellious and against the beast pirates.

So it will be weird if she had "Ace" as her code name but she against the beast pirates.
She is not going to be on the alliance side.
She never said she wants to help them. She doesn't care about Wano citizens. She will try to brainwash Luffy with Oden's journey but he will not care and when the time of alliance vs Kaido will finally come she will stand by her daddy side.


And what that will do?
NSFW is a warning that indicates a link to a webpage, video, photo, or audio clip contains inappropriate content. Although the word is usually associated with pornography, it’s often used as a warning label for violent, foul, offensive, or even politically charged content.

Despite its literal meaning (not safe for work), the NSFW acronym is used to save you from any kind of public embarrassment (or, you know, from traumatizing your kids). You may see it in the title of a YouTube video, in the header of an email, or before an outgoing link on a website or news article.

In some cases, NSFW is used to indicate that a webpage may make you uncomfortable—that’s how broad of a word we’re dealing with. In these situations, NSFW is sometimes accompanied by a “trigger word” or “TW” label. A video that contains detailed images of war, for example, may be labeled “NSFW TW: War,” or something to that effect.
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