Then you're projecting/delusional. Very wishful thinking there.
I think that shit is fucking stupid and degenerate, regardless of what you assume you know about me and how I think/feel.
I've been disgusted by people doing similar shit IRL too. Role-playing as dogs to the extreme with leashes, licking from water bowls etc. its all over Tiktok unsurprisingly and there are girls making insane bank from doing it too. As if our world wasn't fucked up enough as it is.
Thanks for assuming the worst about me Solis and making me feel uncomfortable/sick, appreciate it.
But don't worry, I'm just "pretending to be offended" by your post and I'm "secretly enjoying" it.
I'm sorry to be so harsh in response but your response really made me uncomfortable there. I do not enjoy that kind of degeneracy and I hope for my own good and soul, I never do either.