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I dont remember the last time oda delivered a real battle, this is probably just some fakehype chapter with a fakehype cliffganger and a break cuz oda didnt actually take a break (it was the magazine so it doesnt count, see how that works)
On another note someone should take the last cliffhanger page of every chapter since this act started and line them up, makes fans look really stupid just like getting excited over events(battles) that never happen and comparing battle powers, truly tragic :endthis:

Formerly Seth

Monhoua and not Monhowa, Monhoua is the Chinese manga which is horrible, absolutely horrible, While Monhwa is Korean manga and Korean manga is really good, so good that the best Mohwas can rival top Japanese mangas.
Thanks for the description but I really don't give a fuck how it's called.

I had manhwa word in mind from somewhere and I automatically thought that it may be it because of the sound of it.
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