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* Title "Chains (Links)" * Starting with the reactions of those who heard the news of Luffy. Samurai: Is there no use in fighting now? Is Momonosuke safe? White Beast Pirates: Kaido-sama is too strong!!! Quinn: You showed me your will, so I played with you. to Chopper * Ferrospero "Candy โ—‹โ—‹" (Arrow skill) * Sanji "Dable Jean-Broโ—‹โ—‹โ—‹, Strike" to Queen, Ferros Spero (corresponding image) * Sanji v s Queen * Scene shift towards Kaido and Kinemon. * Momonosuke tells Luffy's survival through Meriz (robot animal).. (like hearing his voice) * Shinobu & Momonosuke escape from Kaido who is chasing him * Luffy will be rescued.. (How to prevent youtubers) * Nami's crimatect has a face, so he talks to Nami, but his appearance is Zeus. * Kid & Lo v s Big Mom * Yamato: Kaido!!! Kaido: Call me "Father". Yamato...!! Yamato: I'm here to break that chain!!! * No suspension of the next issue 3 static 1 0

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