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Most 16 year olds are not mentally mature enough to marry or have kids..
This all comes down to the idea of good faith and cultural pressures. If a man is acting in good faith and is a good man, like Sanji is, there is no problem.
People were fine to marry younger in the past because if you were a bad faith actor, your society would shun you, also people would die younger, work younger marry and have children younger.

Now women are expected to enter the work force at 22 after 15 years of schooling, so the timelines are obviously different, but the arrested development of modern people isn't "natural" by any means and is probably a cause for depression in many.
That's how modern societies see it.
In the past marrying at 14 was pretty common
Yeah its a gray area tbh, can't say I agree or disagree. I mean in the past there were many things which were normalized, domestic violence, death during child birth etc etc.
Atleast when I was 16, I did many stupid things and I think I wasn't mature enough.
Yeah bro but this guy was for real in his feelings when he found out pudding was lying about her feelings tho
This '2 people being forced to marry then their parents dissolve the arrangement but the couple has actually fallen in love so they want to marry anyways' is a pretty common and old trope btw
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