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Formerly Seth

He had a stupid formula for example:

Sanji defeats Queen, so Sanjis bounty is gonna be the average between Queens and Kings Bounty, so 1,355bil.
In Zoro's case it has to be between Kings and Kaidous bounty, but then he started talking about Shanks and Mihawk etc. etc. - so at the end he choosed the average between King and Shanks bounty - which already condradicts this formula lol - and there you go, 2,7bil. lmao
Zoro just gets double of Kings bounty for defeating him :cantseeme:

He should have realized that this formula won't make any sense once you look at the difference between Kings and Kaidous bounty.
Lmao. This sounds like some mad shit this "panda something" dude would come up with.

Defo weird take.
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