There are online tools to detect especially if the moderator suspect the account is behaving like its owner. They check ip of the last owner and dupe.
That's not what I mean, lol. And I've already knew that.

What I mean is that I'm simply asking for transparency, for them to explain, lol. So that, the userbase in general could know that they're indeed a dupes, not just some lies to justify a ban like what OJ mods did.


That's not what I mean, lol. And I've already knew that.

What I mean is that I'm simply asking for transparency, for them to explain, lol. So that, the userbase in general could know that they're indeed a dupes, not just some lies to justify a ban like what OJ mods did.
Its hard to tell in general. If they tell the mechanism the dupes will find other ways to counter the mechanism.

Well if i was owner of the site i would be careful not revealing the method of tracking.

Kusanagi Kyo

That's not what I mean, lol. And I've already knew that.

What I mean is that I'm simply asking for transparency, for them to explain, lol. So that, the userbase in general could know that they're indeed a dupes, not just some lies to justify a ban like what OJ mods did.
I was wondering who that dupe was, but Tange can't expose the person for privacy reasons. FeelsBadMan


I will never forgive Oda
I’m totally not jealous that your going to see a football game :catrude:

I’ve been to Philadelphia once, it’s a nice city, the Liberty Bell was a bit underwhelming though
I'll try to not rub it in, so you totally don't get even more jealous :catpole:

It's a decent city, been there way too much for me to sugar coat it lmao. Few nicer areas now thankfully, but I'll just be outside the stadium drinking. It'll be just like that episode of Always Sunny.