  1. Fire Guy..... King hybrid? King surrounds himself with fire.
  2. Mind blown.... ACT 3 FUCKING ENDS
  3. Mountains..... Onigashima right near Flower Capital, near Mount Fuji
  4. Alfred Hitchcock Vertigo........ Momo fear of Heights
  5. Hannibal Lecter...... Momo fear of Heights, or King looks super fucked up behind the mask
Best guess...... Onigashima is a few minutes away from landing. Momonosuke flies but is scared shitless and fucks up his flying. Momonosuke gets his Kaido PTSD Flashback. King turns hybrid and his mask falls off. King looks super fucked up. Onigashima is about to fall. Act 3 Ends.

2 week Break starting next week.....

bruh just read what you've typed out.
its like saying we dont know anything about a character, say vegapunk for an example, so he should be top 5 because he has connections to the world government and the big shots in the story.
you realize how ridiculous is sounds right?
Vegapank actually has the possibility to be technically top5, given how hyped up Ssg is, but we already know he's a scientist and that he probably doesn't have any brute strength but instead he has overpowered weapons

We didn't know if judge was a scientist yet