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- Flampe interfered he wouldn't be able to land that hit otherwise so the playing field was evened
- Luffy had already picked up on how to use fs Kata wouldn't be able to prevent him from going g4
- He dropped Mogura not to nerf himself but rely more on his df as Kata could not land single hit before flampe it's obvious he isn't a skilled weapon user
- Last point i can agree with
-Thats an assumption and it still doesnt matter since, like Luffy himself stated, it was his own fault getting hit, Katakuri had no reason to do what he did beyond his own pride and sense of honor

-Bullshit, Katakuri literally said that he would permit it

-What kind of logic is that? He was a spearman ever since he was a child
The reason it never landed a "fair" hit is because Luffy cant bounce back from that as easily as he can from punches, it had nothing to do with Kata's skill its just plot

Gorosei Informer

1027 : 진실의 불
-왕의 가면이 파괴되었습니다.
- 여왕의 팔이 손상됨
-오로치는 계속해서 불을 사방에 퍼트린다.
-브룩과 우솝은 서로의 얼굴과 얼굴을 찾습니다. 우솝은 적을 잠들게 한다

다음주에는 쉬지 않는다
1027 : Fire of Truth
- The king's mask has been destroyed.
- Queen's arm is damaged
-Orochi continues to spread fire everywhere.
-Brook and Usopp find each other's faces and faces. Usopp puts enemies to sleep

no rest next week
-Thats an assumption and it still doesnt matter since, like Luffy himself stated, it was his own fault getting hit, Katakuri had no reason to do what he did beyond his own pride and sense of honor

-Bullshit, Katakuri literally said that he would permit it

-What kind of logic is that? He was a spearman ever since he was a child
The reason it never landed a "fair" hit is because Luffy cant bounce back from that as easily as he can from punches, it had nothing to do with Kata's skill its just plot
It does matter if you want to throw out what Katakuri himself viewed as an unfair advantage as a reason to why a fair fight between Luffy vs Katakuri would go down differently.
Luffy was drugged+stabbed, Katakuri was just stabbed, so Katakuri didn't properly even that up anyway.
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