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a microscopic community inside that leftist place
So you are blaming everyome who jusy doesnt like right wing nonsense. Its not reddit’s fault. Its the faulf of r/showerthoughts not accwpting shit like “I had a shower thought that Republicans are like the Jews of modern time while the democrats are the nazis”

hahaha... okay... Too bad r/showerthoughts took away your free speech.

4chan will accept you with open arms


So you are blaming everyome who jusy doesnt like right wing nonsense. Its not reddit’s fault. Its the faulf of r/showerthoughts not accwpting shit like “I had a shower thought that Republicans are like the Jews of modern time while the democrats are the nazis”

hahaha... okay... Too bad r/showerthoughts took away your free speech.

4chan will accept you with open arms
Democrats are the one who benefit from cancel culture tho


Those damn nazi Democrats. Whats next? A republicsn holocaust? I mean no wonder the poor rebulicans tried to overthrow the government and kill the democratically elected senators... it was to prevent a holocaust
yeah bro that random post was ridiculous but the fact that the dems are the ones who benefit from cancel culture remains true
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