He had so great potential...

If I would be one of Oda editor, my job before wano start:
Cut the cast, fuck the 9scabbards, just make it to Kinemon,Kanjuro,Raizo,Inu,Neko and Kiku, Denjiro was the snitch and on Orochi side.
I would focus the samurai plot in act2, far better then boring Udon plot, kill Orochi, Scabbards fight and get massive wounded, Kaido short show up and beat down everyone,perhaps bring up King and Queen to hype them too, let them win over Zoro and Sanji(alliance still manage to escape). Also bring up Yamato far early.
Then act 3 everything only with pirates, no Tama, no scabbards(in prison), just pirates vs pirates.
Hype more the flying six, give the calamity awakened forms, King vs Zoro CoC clash...
More Kaido vs Luffy build up...
Believe me with a good storyboard, you could easily fit everything above under 100 chapters and not stall it over 140chapters and still let open up lot of questions who still need to get answered...