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Talent is something you make bloom.
Lmao Carrot's joining is one of my oldest belief since WCI and i'm not even her fan
If I'm right about this and not many of my other beliefs like ZKK i'm gonna lose it :josad:
Pretty sure the sentiment of "carrot joining" just took had a downfall due to Yamato's appearance and people only considering one of them joining.

and apparently Oda did a "pro player move" and we might not have any of them now.


Hustlerversity Graduate
The guy who killed Abe has been filled with hatred for the past 20 years because his mother gave all the family's money to that cult, including the money that was meant for his university.


But why would anyone want to kill Oda?
Idk, but the killer threat idea is too much I'll give you that.

Maybe he's just shy is possible. However, going out his way to actively censor his face whenever he's in screen/ actively be low profile as possible just scream maybe there's more to it .
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