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Is this how vivec felt after molag bal summoned vampires?
One piece chapter 1057 spoilers
-Vinsmokes escape with the help of ceaser clown
-yamato has a change of mindset(she doesn't join)
-Wano arc ends(same curtains closing but not act 3, this time Wano arc ends)
-vivi is seen captured at mariejoa
-garp and dragon are fighting with each other (they also talk about sabo)
-at the end of chapter, Fujitora is released from the position of admiral
-no break next week
Carrot fans deserve all the bullying legally and morally possible, even Paulie fans deserved minimum respect since at least their character actually did something.
When she had great showcasing during WCI, it was entirely warranted why people wanted her. Granted, she was ignored in Wano almost completely in place of Yamato.

And now since both fandoms frankly got so toxic for the last 2 years, neither joining is absolutely fucking karma lol. Yamato joining (at least physically) dies this chapter. Carrot depends on the stowaway trope, which has to be addressed latest by 1058.
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