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Pepebusi Spammer
Title : The death of Vegapunk

Cover story : Flashback, Queen, Judge and Ceasar work together at MADS.

- While Rob Lucci and Luffy are face to face, Kuma is teleported between the two characters.

- Rob Lucci and Luffy are both surprised and Kuma starts running towards Luffy who is carrying Bonney.

- Stussy and Kaku start looking for the other Vegapunk, leaving Rob Lucci alone.

- We move to another place but still on Egg Head, Sentomaru leads the 3 Seraphins : S-Shark, S-Hawk and S-Snake

- Sentomaru is a member of the Sword, with the same rank as X-Drake.

- Sentomaru is on call with Smoker who is located on the Marine base next door, Smoker is also a member of the Sword at the same rank as X-Drake and Sentomaru.

- They discuss about the capture of Koby and the presence of CP0 on Egg Head.

- We move to another place, Elbaf, where Eustass Kidd and his crew are present. They fight against giants and win without problems, then a shadow (Sauro's) arrives and asks Kidd to stop.

- We move on to another place, Winner Island, where the fight between Blackbeard and Trafalgar D. Law takes place.

- Law's pirates are challenged by Blackbeard's pirates.

- The bounties of Blackbeard's pirates are revealed:

- Burgess:
- Van Augur:
- Doc Q: 999.999.999
- Stronger: 1.000.000

- Law and Blackbeard are bleeding, before moving to another place, Blackbeard says the following words: "Say, Trafalgar... Do you know that even the most powerful Paramecia has an awakening?"

- We are now on New MarineFord with Sakazuki.

- Sakazuki receives an order from the Gorosei, which is to send an Admiral to Winner Island.

- The chapter ends with Akainu's reaction saying "What?! Are they making fun of me?"

- there is some information related to the title of the chapter but that will be later.
Source : i made it up
Title : The death of Vegapunk

Cover story : Flashback, Queen, Judge and Ceasar work together at MADS.

- While Rob Lucci and Luffy are face to face, Kuma is teleported between the two characters.

- Rob Lucci and Luffy are both surprised and Kuma starts running towards Luffy who is carrying Bonney.

- Stussy and Kaku start looking for the other Vegapunk, leaving Rob Lucci alone.

- We move to another place but still on Egg Head, Sentomaru leads the 3 Seraphins : S-Shark, S-Hawk and S-Snake

- Sentomaru is a member of the Sword, with the same rank as X-Drake.

- Sentomaru is on call with Smoker who is located on the Marine base next door, Smoker is also a member of the Sword at the same rank as X-Drake and Sentomaru.

- They discuss about the capture of Koby and the presence of CP0 on Egg Head.

- We move to another place, Elbaf, where Eustass Kidd and his crew are present. They fight against giants and win without problems, then a shadow (Sauro's) arrives and asks Kidd to stop.

- We move on to another place, Winner Island, where the fight between Blackbeard and Trafalgar D. Law takes place.

- Law's pirates are challenged by Blackbeard's pirates.

- The bounties of Blackbeard's pirates are revealed:

- Burgess:
- Van Augur:
- Doc Q: 999.999.999
- Stronger: 1.000.000

- Law and Blackbeard are bleeding, before moving to another place, Blackbeard says the following words: "Say, Trafalgar... Do you know that even the most powerful Paramecia has an awakening?"

- We are now on New MarineFord with Sakazuki.

- Sakazuki receives an order from the Gorosei, which is to send an Admiral to Winner Island.

- The chapter ends with Akainu's reaction saying "What?! Are they making fun of me?"

- there is some information related to the title of the chapter but that will be later.

not lame enough to be a real spoiler, you have 10 chapters progress in 1 chapter
One Piece 1069 spoilers:

- The chapter is about luffy and lucci
- Stussy is revealed to be the one of original people of egghead before vegapunk came
- Luffy vs lucci continue, most of fight luffy
Lol-diffed lucci
- At the end of chapter lucci show his awekening form ( Luffy looked shocked)
- No break next week

Source : OkikuProduction
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