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is probably playing Overwatch 2
I want to fall asleep on that tail.

Also, I could finally feel like Midna from Twilight Princess.

OG Yamato is a 10, Hybrid is a 9, but this is still at least a 7.

If a wolf randomly turned into a girl, I wouldn't do anything.

But, if my girl turned into a wolf, I'm a Duran Duran hit single.

Still sad Otter Stussy was just bait, Hybrid Otter Stussy would have been amazing.

Does anyone have any Otter Stussy pics I can look at while I'm writing up my legal defense on why @Mr. Reloaded isn't a furry?
@Mr. Reloaded you are done
It's a lot of hallucination in this thread lmao. Saying that MF WB>>Admirals,lol, even I like Yonkous better, I disagree with that. MF Whitebeard managed to put up a good fight for the admirals, but if it was a fight to the death, he would lose to all of them.
Why is Akainu = Sickbeard? WB got half his face blown off and a hole in his chest, while Akainu came out with relatively minor injuries.
Akainu was coughing blood from every attack and WB also endured his injuries so what's your point
Admittedly I’m a WB wanker but they didn’t call him the WSM for no reason

Because when Sengoku said that he didn't know that WB got sick.
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