Powers & Abilities The chickens come home to roost


Zoro Worshipper
The ones who claim that Enma granted Zoro CoC and advanced CoA are cute when that never makes an ounce of logic every single time.

Just likes the ones who claim Enma shall always nerf the high Grandmaster when he is the most fitting person to wield it and for all we know the mastering process might be nearly complete.
Nice abstract of thought. Very elaborative way of presentation with impeccable use of english language. The grammer used is of standard quality. Your hard work on this is commendable (insert clap emoji). Reading it was so lyrical, i could die of fangasm.
I can only hope, that i could write my thesis in such clear concept.
But why are you pointing all good points of luffy. Isnt it good that he is now the legend of one piece - the true alpha and omega - the joyboy.