Kizaruber Eats

Life's coin always has two sides; flip it wisely.
Every fucking time I watch a good anime there's child abuse in it
LMFAO RIGHT?! Fuck it I'm watching Bob The Builder and Dora The Explorer from now on! /s

Seriously though I might just stick to comedy, slice of life type anime tbh. Wholesome, chill, funny stuff lol.
LMFAO RIGHT?! Fuck it I'm watching Bob The Builder and Dora The Explorer from now on! /s

Seriously though I might just stick to comedy, slice of life type anime tbh. Wholesome, chill, funny stuff lol.
I can stand gore and what not (the image below should be proof lol) but when children get involved in it I just can't bare it man.


Thanks! I watched the reboot and it got me really interested in the series. I ended up buying the OG series on blu ray and I plan to watch it all soon. I like the zaniness of the entire show and its large cast of characters, love the episodic feel.
I read a lot of the manga back in the day. Went back to it a few years later to read the last few chapters. I might check out the reboot because I heard great reviews.


"Dreams are Messages from the Deep"
I read a lot of the manga back in the day. Went back to it a few years later to read the last few chapters. I might check out the reboot because I heard great reviews.
I like the reboot as it was my entry point to this series, the OP's are good and the voice cast is great. I am looking forward to watching the OG anime soon as I want to see more shenanigans with the cast.