Not even gonna pretend like I wrote this, found it on reddit (
"I’ll be straight up, the twenty-year prophecy plot device is not a great idea.
It has forced Oda to write Fishman Island - Wano which has been about ten years for us, in a month.
No matter what excuse you make, going from fighting Hordy Jones to Kaido in a matter of weeks makes absolutely no sense.
The Straw Hats have been a pirate crew for a couple of years, and everyone else has been a pirate for a majority of their lives, yet here we are, beating up an emperors crew, when half of the SHs can’t even use Haki.
Oda should’ve aged the crew at least a little bit, because I’m having a hard time dealing with Sanji who couldn’t even hurt Doflamingo a couple of weeks ago fighting and defeating Queen.
For us, it’s been a long time, so it feels like he should be ready, but in reality, it’s been a couple of weeks. Give me a break."
Comment) and it's something I agree with completely.
by u/Kirosh from discussion
in OnePiece
"I’ll be straight up, the twenty-year prophecy plot device is not a great idea.
It has forced Oda to write Fishman Island - Wano which has been about ten years for us, in a month.
No matter what excuse you make, going from fighting Hordy Jones to Kaido in a matter of weeks makes absolutely no sense.
The Straw Hats have been a pirate crew for a couple of years, and everyone else has been a pirate for a majority of their lives, yet here we are, beating up an emperors crew, when half of the SHs can’t even use Haki.
Oda should’ve aged the crew at least a little bit, because I’m having a hard time dealing with Sanji who couldn’t even hurt Doflamingo a couple of weeks ago fighting and defeating Queen.
For us, it’s been a long time, so it feels like he should be ready, but in reality, it’s been a couple of weeks. Give me a break."