Current Events The growth of the Straw Hats is honestly ridiculous.

Not even gonna pretend like I wrote this, found it on reddit (
by u/Kirosh from discussion
in OnePiece
) and it's something I agree with completely.

"I’ll be straight up, the twenty-year prophecy plot device is not a great idea.

It has forced Oda to write Fishman Island - Wano which has been about ten years for us, in a month.

No matter what excuse you make, going from fighting Hordy Jones to Kaido in a matter of weeks makes absolutely no sense.

The Straw Hats have been a pirate crew for a couple of years, and everyone else has been a pirate for a majority of their lives, yet here we are, beating up an emperors crew, when half of the SHs can’t even use Haki.

Oda should’ve aged the crew at least a little bit, because I’m having a hard time dealing with Sanji who couldn’t even hurt Doflamingo a couple of weeks ago fighting and defeating Queen.

For us, it’s been a long time, so it feels like he should be ready, but in reality, it’s been a couple of weeks. Give me a break."
Yeah but it is shonen nekketsu. I mean the main cast growth rate is always absurd in this kind of story.

Remember that the demographic those stories are aimed for are 13 years old. When you where 13 years old did you want to follow the story of a guy who were a 50 years old veteran or the story of a kid who becomes the strongest, while making a ton of friends and having a bunch of girls falling for him, because he is very talented?
Yeah but it is shonen nekketsu. I mean the main cast growth rate is always absurd in this kind of story.

Remember that the demographic those stories are aimed for are 13 years old. When you where 13 years old did you want to follow the story of a guy who were a 50 years old veteran or the story of a kid who becomes the strongest, while making a ton of friends and having a bunch of girls falling for him, because he is very talented?

You're making it sound like a 13yo can't have both. They don't even need to be in their 50s or around there, just do another put them in their super late 20s or something. I'm sure even a 13 year old would enjoy following a group that look like somewhat adult.

Garp the Fist

Too much timeskips do more harm than good. There’s then either months passing with nothing happening in them, or a load of things happening when out heroes are just wandering around.

Look at what happened during the timeskip, Rocky Port, the Payback War, Akainu vs Aokiji, three new Warlords, two new Admirals- time didn’t stand still while the Strawhats were training, and there’s still things that happened during the skip that the readers haven’t seen much of yet, eleven years after it happened.

It’s also pretty dumb to assume Oda’s hand has been “forced” by a prophecy when we only found out about it in Wano. All of pre-skip happened in like three months, that’s just how the series goes- something is always happening. I think there was a month sailing between TB and Saobody which is the only real long gap pre-timeskip.

Also we’re dealing wih literal super-humans who get stronger based on willpower so them getting stronger in a few weeks isn’t exaclty unrealistic compared to everything else going down
Oda should’ve aged the crew at least a little bit, because I’m having a hard time dealing with Sanji who couldn’t even hurt Doflamingo a couple of weeks ago fighting and defeating Queen.
A short exchange between two fighters isnt a full indication of strength. If people would keep this in mind throughout post, it wouldnt be so jarring to them.

The prophecy also didnt force him to write FMI. We only just found out about the prophecy a couple chapters ago lol. This is a Shonen. Shits always happening in the world of OP. Pretimeskip was only a total of 3 months iirc.
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Yeah, luffy went from complaining about his CoA not strong enough to withstand hody's bites, to gear 4 and blocking extremely sharp attacks in just "1 day" .
Would make less sense if we didnt find out later that Haki gets stronger in extreme situations


Pepebusi Spammer
because I’m having a hard time dealing with Sanji who couldn’t even hurt Doflamingo a couple of weeks ago fighting and defeating Queen.
No matter what excuse you make, going from fighting Hordy Jones to Kaido in a matter of weeks makes absolutely no sense.
this folks writing "growth of strawhats is ridiculous" and talking about Luffy and Sanji.
i wonder who is he rooting for :crazwhat::cantseeme:
It's not like these guys get stronger linearly anyway

Sanji, Luffy, and Zoro are always getting their strongest gains in the middle of battle

Their power growth has been off the charts since their introduction. Luffy went from struggling against a man with a 20,000,000 bounty to defeating not one, but two warlords, in a matter of months as well.

They get one timeskip and suddenly you guys think it's shit writing to not throw in another every time they find themselves overwhelmed. THAT would be shit writing. The world is not going to wait for the straw hats to go through a million "We have to get stronger!" sessions
the biggest problem for one piece always is timeline.
until ts , just again , we passed just a little bit more than two months.
But ı guess oda dont care timeline issue. if oda care his kind of thing , he could just show long trip between island and training in the ship at these times easily. like hunter hunter .
to me , my issue is even not how to defeat yonkou. just in one month , all strawhats ready for die his captain. or all of them spent different person in 2 years. (luffy-rayleigh , zoro mihawk vs) strawhats just stayed together 4 month. and binding is so strong still.d
but ı understand that time is not problem for oda anymore . and ı dont care for this anime.
otherwise , luffy will become king pirates at 20 years old. not even logic.d