Others The Mafia Survey

Results 7
Continuing now ~

10. Funniest player/s?

"Mango" - x6



"TAC, Zara"


"Me, come on"

"Zara, TAC, Mango, Akai2, Naomi"

"I have a lot of fun with Ekko, I think Mango is pretty hilarious too."




"Naomi, Mango, Odd, Ekko, Worst"


"MangoSenpai, Worst"


"TAC,Mango and Akai"

"Ekko at the time I played"

"Worst, Ekko, Fuji, Light, Rej, Mango, Broki, Muugen, Nick, Prof, Conq."



"Lanji, Mango"
Results 8
11. Best host?

" @novaselinenever 👑 " x7

" @Rej " x2

" @Fujishiro " x2

" @Dragomir " x2

" @Noctis "

" @Flowa "

" @AL sama "

" @Ariess "

"You already know who wink"

"I've enjoyed Flower's games the most probably, I think Fujishiro is pretty good too."

"DDL, Novaselinenever"

"Hmm, it depends, for now i say Nova, i think he did an incredible job at crafting the weebs with the roles etc....."

"They’ve all been great!"

"Aries/Nova and Puppy."

"nova,dragomir,oreki,rej and others who hosted. those top 3 remember"

"Nova, Typo, Noctis, Drago"

"drago /nova"

"Novas, Drago, Flowa, Fuji."
Results 9
12.Favorite game that you played?

"Weebs" -x3

"Aries's Bleach game where I got redirect lynched 3 times as a different alignment each time and back to back. I was the only lynch that game."

"Weebs 2, The Last Weebs, Drago's turbo, Fuji's Pokemon games and a few more which I'm forgetting lol."

"Pretty tough question, honestly. Maybe Genshin, Weebs, or Big Three Mafia?"

"tos i got vetern and killed two mafia players night 1 (pog)"

"WCI, being five people was challenging but VERY fun"

"Marineford by Drago and Yo Tan Wa's indie ToS"

"Death Note Mini Mafia from Ratchet"

"Dragomir's WG Forum Theme Game"

"Special ToS Christmas game"

"ToS game hosted by Tris."

"the turbo mafia games"

"Too many to remember"

"American High School"

"DDL's Tower of God"

"AL' s joker game"

"Jesus Weeb game"

"The Cat game"

"Favorites 8"

"Death Note"

"weebs 2020"


