The comparison doesnt even make sense, kuzans fruit make anyone who eat it def a top tier, it can freeze everything on an island casualy even if your haki is trash the ice ice fruit make it impossible for anyone without strong coa to even move in your presence and you need top tier haki & swordsmanship to fight him unless you have magu magu no mi, awaking into nothing or had the lightning / mera mera no mi.
Kuzan could not freeze single wb commander in marineford it took distraction to get both marco and Jozu
If we think about it, i wonder why Oda decided to send Jinbe to help Zoro - after all, no one will deny that Zoro will definitely is able to deal with him on his own.

I'm starting to wonder if this is about help at all - maybe Jinbe will meet someone along the way.

Otherwise, it will turn out that awakening is quite a big deal.
