I would just say how garbage is superheros, marvel, a lot of books adaptations, netflix series, amazon series, disney, and then I would start to offend people who consume it but I won't do that
I feel you. I hate superhero stuff too and many of these streaming originals, but its hard for me to really care about superhero media especially because of this multiverse stuff which is just an excuse for making reboots.

There's so many versions of a character that they just stop feeling unique and special. Like there's millions of Superman, Spider-Man and whatever, like Transformers, its hard to give a stink because that stuff unlike most manga and maybe One Piece, has no single hero to follow and will never end because something like a universal reset will happen, a demon will snap his fingers and change time or the story just moves to an identical universe.

And every time one of them dies, they eventually come back to life even if it takes years only to kill them again later and then bring them back again since its all sales gimmicks. Same for when they get replaced by younger age demographic appealing characters who keep using the same superhero names despite being different. But its like you say, its best not to talk about this stuff too much since western superheroes are the "in" thing right now.
The curse of Oda flanderizing the "weakling trio". Even Chopper who had the most promise has fallen so far from grace. :crybeard:
Oda has given up on making them relevant in battle due to the power inflation. Even their """fight""" in Wano was them either getting destroyed or running away from their opponents.
People aren't ready for this discussion yet but this is getting dangerously close to the Yamcha treatment
Seriously do you guys think Egghead will end before 2025?
In 1110, the two plots that separated us from escape finally end - the ship is ready to go, and Zoro is done with Lucci :josad: - if the only thing that keeps the strawhats on the island is "the fight between Luffy and Gorosei" - i wouldn't see a problem with Egghead ending within the next 5 chapters or even less.


The question must be asked - how can they escape from the island now - the PX units are already almost razed to the ground - so not only does the island have hellish Pokemons "on board" , but now the Straw Hats' ship will also be at risk of sinking - after all, the entire fleet circling the island will not magically disappear.

Ancient robot help or Kuma saving the entire island (i doubt it) - something must happen, that will completely block enemies from fighting or chasing our crew.
