General & Others The OP fandom irony!

So you can use the possibility of them not being defeated but I can't use the same argument (assumption) that Roger fought Xebec 1v1?
You say to respect Garp and Roger yet can't think of the possibility of they winning the 2v4, specially you, the possibility guy.
You disappoint me, Lanji.

Anyway this discussion of what could've been doesn't lead anywhere, so good luck to see whether you were right or not.
well they could
but its not confirmed
thats the point . I am not going to claim they were all defeated that day. sometimes taking down the captain is enough. look at wb crew

and after the result of the battle roger and wb became equals so again
whats the problem?
you are not one to talk about disrespecting garp. you claim he doesnt want to be an admiral because roger helped him take down rocks. you claim one of his greatest feats was likely done by roger alone. you claim garp is the one who asked riger for help all without a single panel in sight.
You have lost all credibility.
you are unworthy of the name cumming
unworthy of your rank
unworthy of your title
its no longer cumming its coming now smh.

are you trying to imply roger and wb werent equal? cause if you are I have posted panels above. if not then we really dont have to argue over something thats not confirmed.
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well they could
but its not confirmed
thats the point . I am not going to claim they were all defeated that day. sometimes taking down the captain is enough. look at wb crew

and after the result of the battle roger and wb became equals so again
whats the problem?
you are not one to talk about disrespecting garp. you claim he doesnt want to be an admiral because roger helped him take down rocks. you claim one of his greatest feats was likely done by roger alone. you claim garp is the one who asked riger for help all without a single panel in sight.
You have lost all credibility.
you are unworthy of the name cumming
unworthy of your rank
unworthy of your title
its no longer cumming its coming now smh.

are you trying to imply roger and wb werent equal? cause if you are I have posted panels above. if not then we really dont have to argue over something thats not confirmed.
Keep using buggy words
But discrecting Shiki words

I have no time to waste here
well they could
but its not confirmed
thats the point . I am not going to claim they were all defeated that day. sometimes taking down the captain is enough. look at wb crew

and after the result of the battle roger and wb became equals so again
whats the problem?
you are not one to talk about disrespecting garp. you claim he doesnt want to be an admiral because roger helped him take down rocks. you claim one of his greatest feats was likely done by roger alone. you claim garp is the one who asked riger for help all without a single panel in sight.
You have lost all credibility.
you are unworthy of the name cumming
unworthy of your rank
unworthy of your title
its no longer cumming its coming now smh.

are you trying to imply roger and wb werent equal? cause if you are I have posted panels above. if not then we really dont have to argue over something thats not confirmed.
Big text with lots of bs. I never claimed anything about Garp except that he joined Roger. You're the one disrespecting both with headcanon only.
Also, you better learn how to read, because the discussion with WB and Roger wasn't with me.
Lanji, calm yourself, stop replying trying to combat headcanon with headcanon.
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you sure WB was present during God Valley?
The panel Lanji posted shows him on the back, right corner
Big text with lots of bs. I never claimed anything about Garp except that he joined Roger. You're the one disrespecting both with headcanon only.
Also, you better learn how to read, because the discussion with WB and Roger wasn't with me.
Lanji, calm yourself, stop replying trying to combat headcanon with headcanon.
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The panel Lanji posted shows him on the back, right corner
Watch as Oda destroys his own idea of balance in the world.
Yonko were never taken down because they didn't fight lol, bunch of lazyasses
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Nope, Garp needed him, that's clearly stated as Garp doesn't want to become admiral because of that
There is literally a panel showing a 2v4 yet you claim "we don't know whether he was defeated or not". Yeah because WB let his captain die and just watched it.
Also, I don't think you understand what a alliance is. Garp is the one that joined forces even tho both fought, one asks and the other accept. Never have I said someone needed someone more, only that Garp asked Roger to join after he saw him there.
Also, we don't know how the matchups occurred there, so you saying he didn't defeat Xebec on his own, even tho it's likely what happened, is headcanon till the event is detailed later on.

"Big text with lots of bs. I never claimed anything about Garp except that he joined Roger. You're the one disrespecting both with headcanon only."
well if you dont disagree with my central point wb = roger then there's no need for the back and forth. However I cant say for sure wb was defeated in that fight cause it isnt confirmed . you can assume he was but you would have to provide a panel to prove it.
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Zoro Worshipper
Roger didnt just have a counter
he had an equal wb
and another garp .
luffy's story doesnt have to be the same. smoker his muh garp parallel is not the same.
You are technically correct but also technically wrong. He had a counter called Garp who caused him several issues however he never truly felt like losing his life by the hands of Garp that's some ultimate feat only Fightbeard could accomplish