Powers & Abilities The possibility of more users with FS appearing drops drastically after EGG.


Kitetsu Wanker
Well, BOAT was basically a tool only used to cut iron tbh, and has basically the same description as Ryuo in Udon.

The Asura is an attack mode, a mode never used extensively I might add.

Abilities can be powerful or less so, most of the time when Oda decide so.
I dont consider the cutting part to be Boat, I only refer to the sensory part when i say Boat. It detects everything, even stuff that CoO known so far shouldn't detect. Flawless ability.

Asura like any other DF can be used extensively.
Whether there will ever be a need for it, we will see... Defensively and offensively, it has no flaws.
FS is an ability that is pretty limited in use if the user is not considerable fast. As in close as fast or faster as his opponent. Pretty much similiar to the pre-recognition ability of the sharingan from naruto
Last demonstration of it showed this also, Shanks could only enact on his FS because he could close that impressive distance very fast