Character Discussion The Story Would Have Been Better Without The Supernova and The Seven Warlords

Imo it would’ve been best to merge the warlords and Emperors better:
1. Replace big mom with Boa. She’s already called the Pirate Empress and make the kuja a serious yonko crew built on the kuja
2. Only have 4 warlords:

3. Replace Kuma with Buggy post Marineford
4. Make Jinbe a full blown allied captain of Whitebeard
5. Write out Moriah completely
I agree with that list of warlords. I'd just add Boa to it, to have a female in the group. Or just make her a regular villain.
Without Big meme and Crydoe*

The 7 Warlords played role of best antagonists in the story and delivered some of the very best arcs in the story.

As for the SNs, somewhat true. Aside from Law if others hadn't been introduced in the story not much would've changed. Though i love Saboady arc and their intro was hype!
Oda originally wanted to get rid of most of rookies during the Time Skip. I think the Supernovas should have come during Dressrosa tournament to get Ace's DF which would have made more sense if you wanted to conquer the NW. It would have been the perfect place to thin down the herd instead of Wano which should have been a more Zoro focus arc imho.

Rereading One Piece, I missed how fast paced the story went from East Blue to Crocodile. There was always something interesting going and we were always exploring new places. The supernovas and SH fleet made the story bloated and stale in that department which made the NW feel smaller.
Warlords had more charm than Yonko, like Crocodile who was trying to take over a country with his schemes, it made the arc interesting. Someone like Big Mom, whats even the point there? Crushing Totoland doesnt do anything for the readers, it was already a somewhat stable country. What is crushing Shanks gonna do? Hes a fan favorite and a "friend" of Luffy, and Whitebeard was Aces captain. Blackbeard and Kaido were the only ones with some potential threat and story, but Oda already ruined one of them with his stupid writing. Hope Teach will be a awesome villain
It's the supernovas which are bad as it's hard to have rivalries in shonen. MCs have insane growth rate so kid and law would have insane growth rate to keep up with Luffy. But making kid and law as strong as Luffy means Zoro being weaker than them. Zoro have the biggest fanbase and odas favorite. So he has to sacrifice that to make the rivalry happen. But the result is one piece is no longer the best selling manga. Lol Hopefully him one shotting kidd is righting the ship and him never messing with Zoro fans again.
I can imagine a one piece without the supernova, maybe it would had been even better if the Strawhats use their grand feet or whatever.

One piece without the Warlords? That is something I can't imagine, for most people some of the best arcs of One piece are Warlords arcs.
It’s pretty bad that the Warlords who were after-the-fact additions to the story turned out much better than the Yonko who were planned from the start.
It indicates that Oda may be at his best when it comes to improvisation and working it into the story.
Warlords are fucking amazing.Doflamingo and Crocodile were much better villains than Kaido and Big Mom.Moria was weak as hell but even he has some personality in him.Crydo and Big mom were gargbage as villains and gargbage as characters.One Piece would be much better without Yonkos.
Don't sleep on the good Yonkos such as Shanks, Whitebeard, Blackbeard, Buggy.
Only Kaido and Big Mom were the weaker ones.