I took a different approach on this matter, just for the slim chance that we might get the reveal of the traitor in the month of march. So I looked at what characters have birthday on March. Very interesting ones among them copied this from the library of ohara
The funny thing is the official chapter drops on Sunday, March 12 but in Japan it will be on the 13th which is Laffites birthday and wasn't he a Sheriff in the west blue who got suspended for his brutality? Using a flintlock, shooting someone straight in the head would undermine that statement big time. Yes, Odas choice for this chapter's title was intentional, we should have seen that sooner
Not to mention his hypnotizing ability that could lead to whoever disabled the defense system on egghead similar to what he did before to enter marineford with the crew

Technically the next chapter that could reveal the traitor would be on the 21th the one character that is listed in there is very vague though. But interestingly enough does have a connection to Vegapunk. Its one of the Automatas we saw in Enels Cover Story created in Vegapunks home island karakuri. I remember that they swore revenge on whoever was responsible for Dr. Tsukimis death their inventor.