Tsukuyo -
[Passive - Courtesan of Death] - Trained by an infamous assassin in a fighting style very similar to that of a ninja, Tsukuyo is an extremely lethal and stealthy assassin. She will never be seen visiting her target when performing the faction kill, or using [Tantล]. As a courtesan, she will charm one random male role that targets her each cycle. She is immune to the actions and votes of charmed players for 2 cycles.
[Passive - Reflexes] - Tsukuyo reacts to her opponents' actions immediately, giving them no chance to find an opening. She is immune to role-blocks and will evade the first action targeting her each phase, as well as learn the identity of the players visiting her. The first time she's targeted by a kill, she'll always evade it even if she had already been targeted that phase.
[Active - Kunai] - Once per cycle, Tsukuyo may target a player and shower them with numerous Kunais. They will be role-blocked and vote-silenced for that cycle.
--- [Perfect Aim] - During the day, she may throw her Kunai at a write-up of her choice and destroy an action from it, negating its effect. This may fall on certain abilities. [2-shots]
[Active - Tantล] - Once per cycle, Tsukuyo may target a player and slice through them, destroying an ability they posses permanently.
--- [Critical Blows] - If she targets the same player a second time, she will finish the job and role-crush them permanently. [1-shot]