The WorstGen-Initiative

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Hello everyone!

I’d like to take the chance to announce some change in our team.

Like you all know, our team went smaller in the last months, while the forum is still growing. To compensate that loss, we decided to look for new mods, which can help us keeping everything on line and deal with the daily @TheAncientCenturion -Tantrum.

With this in mind, we went looking for some very competent, intelligent, good looking and well educated people, which could also convince us with their charisma.

Unfortunately, these 2 had no interest in being a moderator. One is even cleaning windows since 2 months…

So we decided, we will take @Doggo and @Kefka , which both are well known and well respected members of this community. I am happy they now are part of our team and will help us with all the problems you user create!

Welcome to our team guys, I am glad you are part of the team from now!
More moderation is never the answer
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