Whenever i enter this Forum or Twitter for every Weeks Chapter Discussion whatever he is in the Chapter or not its always either a
- Comparison with Zoro
- Against Zoro
- For Zoro
- Trolling Zoro
- Hyping Zoro
On whatever Social i go the most talked about Charachter is literally him EVERY DAMN Week. I like Zoro as well but i dont get the Obsession of the Haters with him. Why do you have always to make it about him or around him. He aint even the MC bruh
- Comparison with Zoro
- Against Zoro
- For Zoro
- Trolling Zoro
- Hyping Zoro
On whatever Social i go the most talked about Charachter is literally him EVERY DAMN Week. I like Zoro as well but i dont get the Obsession of the Haters with him. Why do you have always to make it about him or around him. He aint even the MC bruh