Chapter Discussion This chapter proved Shanks is not a "true" swordsman

Zoro v Monet.
A perfect vertical slash, cleanly cuts her in two.
Perfect Slash.

Zoro v Pica
Perfectly and cleanly cuts through a mountain horizontally.
Perfect Slash.

Mihawk in Marineford.
Cleanly slices a giant iceberg in two, not one single crack in an entire mountain.
Perfect Slash.

Shanks v Kid
Chunks and pieces of broken metal flying all over.
Visible cracks and destruction on the metal structure.
Metal is bent and crumbled.
Not a perfect slash, more closely related to smashing something with a sword.
Zoro v Monet.
A perfect vertical slash, cleanly cuts her in two.
Perfect Slash.

Zoro v Pica
Perfectly and cleanly cuts through a mountain horizontally.
Perfect Slash.

Mihawk in Marineford.
Cleanly slices a giant iceberg in two, not one single crack in an entire mountain.
Perfect Slash.

Shanks v Kid
Chunks and pieces of broken metal flying all over.
Visible cracks and destruction on the metal structure.
Metal is bent and crumbled.
Not a perfect slash, more closely related to smashing something with a sword.

Swordsmen Bigmom. User of Ikoku sovereign (giants most devastating attack).
here comes the cope,:steef:that's not broken metal btw that's cut metal

These two panels are one page apart so I don't know how you can miss it.
You can even see extra cracks that were created on the front face that weren't there before, those cracks imply the metal is being smashed.

Zoro can create shockwaves so he's officially eliminated from the WSS contention :parkcry:

So because ryumas attack wasn't a cut he's not a swordsman ?
If you wanna make the argument that ANYONE who makes shockwaves is not a swordsman, that's you.
Shanks so far, has not displayed any form of "swordsmanship", since he has yet to even cut metal.
This being his first attack and feat, and it doesn't actually has him cleanly slicing metal means something.



These two panels are one page apart so I don't know how you can miss it.
You can even see extra cracks that were created on the front face that weren't there before, those cracks imply the metal is being smashed.

If you wanna make the argument that ANYONE who makes shockwaves is not a swordsman, that's you.
Shanks so far, has not displayed any form of "swordsmanship", since he has yet to even cut metal.
This being his first attack and feat, and it doesn't actually has him cleanly slicing metal means something.
yeah one railgun after the slash there's half a railgun on one side and half on the other, congratulations on the kindergarten level math

Raw Kanji- “背に持つ巨大な黒刀と、鋭い鷹の目が世界一の証。ゾロの中に本物の強さを感じ、その成長に期待をかける” With the giant black sword on his back and the sharp eyes of a hawk, they are the proof of the world’s best. He senses true strength within Zoro, and has high hopes for his growth.

Raw Kanji- “剣の道の頂に、長年に宣り君臨する男!! 最上大業物12工の一振り「夜」を背負い、王下七武海の一角として、単身海賊達を狩り続ける。ミホークの退屈な日々に終止符をうつ挑戦者は、いつ現れるのか!?” The man who has reigned at the peak of swordsmanship for many years! Wielding one of the 12 Supreme Grade Swords “Yoru”, he hunts down every single pirate as part of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. When will a challenger appear before Mihawk to end his boredom!?

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Raw Kanji- “背に持つ巨大な黒刀と、鋭い鷹の目が世界一の証。ゾロの中に本物の強さを感じ、その成長に期待をかける” With the giant black sword on his back and the sharp eyes of a hawk, they are the proof of the world’s best. He senses true strength within Zoro, and has high hopes for his growth.

Raw Kanji- “剣の道の頂に、長年に宣り君臨する男!! 最上大業物12工の一振り「夜」を背負い、王下七武海の一角として、単身海賊達を狩り続ける。ミホークの退屈な日々に終止符をうつ挑戦者は、いつ現れるのか!?” The man who has reigned at the peak of swordsmanship for many years! Wielding one of the 12 Supreme Grade Swords “Yoru”, he hunts down every single pirate as part of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. When will a challenger appear before Mihawk to end his boredom!?

All of that is useless when haki trumps everything and Shanks has the strongest haki.
All of that is useless when haki trumps everything and Shanks has the strongest haki.
I have very often guessed correctly where Oda tried to bring us (I knew legendary fruit was Luffy's since the beginning and knew Luffy would pull gear 5 and awakening in Wano).

if I base my prediction of the future events based on this intuition and interpretation I have of the story, to me Shanks > Mihawk but Mihawk is the better swordsman (WSS). You can be the strongest devil fruit user and still be surpassed by haki.

However, this interpretation is fallacious and that's where I join Mihawk bros. WSS means strongest among ALL SWORDSMEN and Shanks is a swordsman. Haki is also part of swordsmanship. So, logically, Mihawk is the stronger one.

So in short, Mihawk should be stronger than Shanks because you just don't deny WSS title and pull mental gymnastics. However, portrayal and haki link with swordsmanship have always made me doubt.

Regardless, this is less relevant than the fans make out of it. Shanks and Mihawk are very close in terms of strength. Shanks is the closest rival to Mihawk so it's relative. Mihawk is slightly superior than Shanks but not a league above.

So, Mihawk >= Shanks is the most logical thing we have at the moment.