Controversial This is the Problem with the One Piece community..

Thanks for your useless input..
Awww :amazing:

On a slightly serious note, face value or not, powers/haki has been inconsistent. The power system was an asspull that oda thought of midway. Apart from your point regarding buggy (which is a gag itself), the problem with op community is taking powers seriously when they're all over the place. The whole haki thing has been a mess since its introduction.


Only two guys infused permanently on blades, but the same was never said for other weapons.
Everyone assume that Margaret and everyone on Amazon Lily are Haki users because they use Hakified Arrows.. Yet nothing is
known about how to permanently infused CoA in Arrow and Objects..

What we do know is that there is a similar power that '' Permanently '' turns Blades(Hardening infused) into Black Blades..
And people don't make the link with the Arrows being '' Permanently '' infused( Base CoA) in Armament Haki..

Like stop taking everything at face value so much, it's embarassing..

I can make a unlimited list where people take things at face value in One Piece specially when it comes power..

Random example, oh, Marco is holding his ground against Queen and King at the same time that means he's above King..
Can't you think for yourself or something?..

Kaido says Zoro has CoC too with a question mark.. Then the masses automatically, Zoro has CoC..
When the fact is Kaido don't even know why the Scabbards were able to cut him.. Yeah ok..

Mihawk got a higher Bounty than Yonko Buggy, therefore he's Yonko level.. How much was his Bounty prior to this raise?..( Naw that
thought goes against my bias, i don't need it..)

These are pathetic statements..
Infusing objects with coa is basic haki hardening.Luffy did it in Dressrosa when he hardened his sandals to block doffy attack.

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Someone should ban him from making more threads smh. Something like "if enough users agree, no more threads allowed". @mods make it happen
i agree,this guy makes the dumbest threads
Only two guys infused permanently on blades, but the same was never said for other weapons.
What you mean, the Kuja Arrows are permanently infused in CoA.. That's not what a fodder can accomplish..
And based on how Luffy broke one of those, only the Stone edge part must be imbued in Haki..

Scabbards need special renowned Meito's to send Hakified flying attacks..

Reading at face value is the core of reading comprehension.

Any deeper interpretations of the text cannot contradict the most basic interpretation.
Not with One Piece far from it, you need balance the context..

I guess i will need to make a thread with every single topics that shouldn't be taken at Face Value..

Infusing objects with coa is basic haki hardening.Luffy did it in Dressrosa when he hardened his sandals to block doffy attack
Infusing objects with CoA by touching them, versus infusing objects '' permanently '' with CoA requires CoC for airborn independent projectiles..
Not with One Piece far from it, you need balance the context..

I guess i will need to make a thread with every single topics that shouldn't be taken at Face Value..
buddy, the rule I’m talking about is something people created to study the fucking Bible.

maybe you should pay attention to this:

Each type of
Pardes interpretation examines the extended meaning of a text. As a general rule, the extended meaning never contradicts the base meaning
buddy, the rule I’m talking about is something people created to study the fucking Bible.

maybe you should pay attention to this:
You fundamental error is treating One Piece like every piece of litteracy..

When the author is purposely misleading his readers and has been over decades.. Wake up..

The funniest shit is you really think you're the better expert on Haki than Kaidou or in fact Oda making Kaidou say that at that time :denzimote:
If Kaido was never cut by a Kitetsu, obviously Oda can make him say uneducated guess to misslead his readers.. Ashura is obviously not CoC, since Zoro made it apparent his first real use of CoC was on chapter 1033..

You're doing the same shit than Brook and Queen saying Zoro had CoC because Onigashima tremble.. I guess with Kaido it's too subtle for the One Piece community Brain power somehow..
What you mean, the Kuja Arrows are permanently infused in CoA.. That's not what a fodder can accomplish..
And based on how Luffy broke one of those, only the Stone edge part must be imbued in Haki..

Scabbards need special renowned Meito's to send Hakified flying attacks..

Not with One Piece far from it, you need balance the context..

I guess i will need to make a thread with every single topics that shouldn't be taken at Face Value..

Infusing objects with CoA by touching them, versus infusing objects '' permanently '' with CoA requires CoC for airborn independent projectiles..
nope,Zoro cut Monets cheek the same way.You dont need to infuse it "permanently" to do ranged attacks with coa.