Break Week This Nonsensical Yonko Bounty Cope needs to stop

What is the biggest reason for Shanks bounty

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Funny how the Marines want no part of a 78 year old former Roger Pirate who knows all the secrets of the World and they know exactly where he is, but have no problems sending waves of Marines after a man worth 3.6 billion berries "on his strength alone."
Lmao kizaru was ready to capture Big Mom and Kaido until Akainu stopped him

One marine ship made prime wb pirates haul ass

And Mihawk was literally hunting admirals on his coffin boat and all the navy could do is bend over backwards and pay him to stop the hunt.
Wonder what is Luffy's real bounty should be

For all we know, he is:
- son of Most Wanted Man, Dragon
- brother of Pirate King Roger's son, Ace
- brother of Flame Emperor, the man with most fame in Revolutionary Army currently, Sabo
- acquintance of Yonko Red Hair Shanks
- has the only remaining Ohara in his ship, Robin
- has the destiny mythical zoan Sun God Nikka fruit
- studied under Dark King Rayleigh and raided Marineford together

Without all those overpowered connections and destiny above, what would be his real bounty?
I personally have no issue with mihawks bounty
All im tryna do is make sense of the bounties of characters like crocodile, blackbeard, buggy, luffy, kid, law, oven, pekoms, zoro, king, sabo, usopp, etc.
Who all seem to have pretty confusing bounties at first glance

Bounties are just based on what the world government actually knows of a characters individual strength and danger to them. It not always matching the reality of the situation. With them sometimes lying about how much should be worth by adding or taking away from someones deserved bounty

Mihawks bounty isn't really an issue. Could their be stuff the wg doesn't know about mihawks accomplishments or strength? Maybe idk
Good thread.

Anyone pretending having literal empire, seas, countries or powerful crew under your command and at your beck and call doesn't add to your threat is coping lol

AT LEAST 1 Bill of Mihawk bounty is cause he joined cross guild

Captains RARELY get any bounty hype for their underling
it's vise versa
The dude showed you a billion examples of Yonko empires and crews being brought up as huge reasons for their bounties.

Yet you don't read shit and respond with your canonically disproven head-canon lol.

CG wasn't even brought up when talking about Mihawk's bounty, but it was at least 1b increase. Meanwhile his crew was brought up a billion time when announcing Shanks' bounty and they even dubbed him "Leader of RHP" more than anything during it, but it doesn't affect?

No offense but you're choosing to look stupid in broad daylight for this agenda; there's no way you actually think what you're typing here. You don't have to admit Mihawk > Shanks, but at least pretend you won't stoop to insane levels over cartoon characters.
Wonder what is Luffy's real bounty should be

For all we know, he is:
- son of Most Wanted Man, Dragon
- brother of Pirate King Roger's son, Ace
- brother of Flame Emperor, the man with most fame in Revolutionary Army currently, Sabo
- acquintance of Yonko Red Hair Shanks
- has the only remaining Ohara in his ship, Robin
- has the destiny mythical zoan Sun God Nikka fruit
- studied under Dark King Rayleigh and raided Marineford together

Without all those overpowered connections and destiny above, what would be his real bounty?
Exactly the same as it is now, as not a single one of those things has ever affected his Bounty.

Everything with the exception of being Sabos brother was known about pre Timeskip, and he came out of the Timeskip at 400 million berries, mainly due to his assault on Impel Down, and the Marineford war, which only boosted him 100 million, from his Enies Lobby bounty of 300 million, where he declared war on the WG.
Mihawk got his bounty to being part of Cross guild an alliance who's supposed to be navy hunters a direct threat to the navy as said in the chapter
He's also described as a former warlord

Don't come with Cariboo and his brothers because it's not an alliance of Former warlords and they were doing that in Paradise

So Mihawk got his bounty because :
- he did an alliance with former Warlord
- This alliance is a direct threat to Navy as they are considered to be navy hunters
- He's a former Warlord

Even Jimbei got a huge bounty inflation because he's a former warlord who is now in a Younko crew

And it's nonsensical BM currently have 85 childrens but she is Younko since 20yrs so nothing states having 85 childs had an influence on his bounty

We don't really know if the thing you listed got an influence on their bounties

We can even go further : How Marines knows Mihawk is stronger than Shanks they never fought since Shanks lost his arm ?

Shanks and Mihawk had Legendary battle then Shanks lost his arm and Mihawk or was WSS
At that time they were equal so Mihawk bounty only for strenght should be the same as 20yrs old Shanks ?
Or they just said he's stronger than Shanks but represent less a danger so 3.5 bn sounds good ?
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Mihawk got his bounty to being part of Cross guild an alliance who's supposed to be navy hunters a direct threat to the navy as said in the chapter
He's also described as a former warlord

Don't come with Cariboo and his brothers because it's not an alliance of Former warlords and they were doing that in Paradise

So Mihawk got his bounty because :
- he did an alliance with former Warlord
- This alliance is a direct threat to Navy as they are considered to be navy hunters
- He's a former Warlord

Even Jimbei got a huge bounty inflation because he's a former warlord who is now in a Younko crew
Same goes for crocodile and mihawk almost double his bounty. Buggy was considered a leader of cg, they think he has 2 former warlods at his commands and yet his bounty is still lower than mihawk. So what is your point ?:seriously:
Mihawk got his bounty to being part of Cross guild an alliance who's supposed to be navy hunters a direct threat to the navy as said in the chapter
He's also described as a former warlord

Don't come with Cariboo and his brothers because it's not an alliance of Former warlords and they were doing that in Paradise

So Mihawk got his bounty because :
- he did an alliance with former Warlord
- This alliance is a direct threat to Navy as they are considered to be navy hunters
- He's a former Warlord

Even Jimbei got a huge bounty inflation because he's a former warlord who is now in a Younko crew

And it's nonsensical BM currently have 85 childrens but she is Younko since 20yrs so nothing states having 85 childs had an influence on his bounty

We don't really know if the thing you listed got an influence on their bounties
Yeah, Mihawk has his own inflations.

Yet being only 400m behind Shanks with those inflations all while not being leader on top of Shanks' own threat of commanding over strongest Yonko crew in, arguably, history? Huge difference. There's a reason why Brannew specifically talked about RHP three times when announcing Shanks' bounty.

Take Buggy out of leadership, throw Mihawk in it and he'd cross 4b rather easily.

We can even go further : How Marines knows Mihawk is stronger than Shanks they never fought since Shanks lost his arm ?

Shanks and Mihawk had Legendary battle then Shanks lost his arm and Mihawk or was WSS
At that time they were equal so Mihawk bounty only for strenght should be the same as 20yrs old Shanks ?
Or they just said he's stronger than Shanks but represent less a danger so 3.5 bn sounds good ?
Same way world knew Kaido is WSC despite not defeating anyone 1v1 in history of OP as far as we know.

Or how world knew WB was WSM even though he never really bested Roger. Or how they kept calling him that after Roger's death without having him have 1v1 with Kaido or Shanks in old-age (not sick, just old) to figure out who's stronger.

Same goes for crocodile and mihawk almost double his bounty. Buggy was considered a leader of cg, they think he has 2 former warlods at his commands and yet his bounty is still lower than mihawk. So what is your point ?:seriously:
Never said the contrary lol
Obviously Mihawk is stronger than both
it's ridiculous to said his bounty just represent his strenght
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Yet being only 400m behind Shanks with those inflations all while not being leader on top of Shanks' own threat of commanding over strongest Yonko crew in, arguably, history? Huge difference. There's a reason why Brannew specifically talked about RHP three times when announcing Shanks' bounty.
Being captain has an influence which is highly overated here
We know for a fact that the captain's action has an influence on subordinates bounties but the contrary was never proven
Shanks core crew his stronger but BM/Kaido have more people so it is balanced

For example Roger had a stronger crew than RHP but it wasn't brought UP when they talked about his bounty

Shanks have strongest core crew not crew if you add the allies pretty much every Younko crews are equal

Take Buggy out of leadership, throw Mihawk in it and he'd cross 4b rather easily.
I agree
Oda choosed that bounty for Mihawk to put him around Shanks bounty if they had the same crew.
I just found ridiculous to said Shanks worth 1bn or less without Younko title, crew and so on

Same way world knew Kaido is WSC despite not defeating anyone 1v1 in history of OP as far as we know
For sure but Kaido's title wasn't brought when they talked about us Bounty as far as I remember

Nor WB Bounty so we can't say their title affected their bounty which is my point

When for Mihawk they says he has greater skills than Shanks yes but which Shanks ?
Teen Shanks or current one because if it's Teen Shanks it means 2bn of Mihawk bounty comes from others thing

I'm just saying nothing proves Mihawk will have higher bounty than others younko if it was for strenght alone
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Holy shit. I'm totally looking different towards bounties now.

That makes me think commanders and under bounties are for their individuals strength. Not only as we learn at Dressrosa but like 90% while captains are highly grow up by crew.

So captains individuals bounty would be very close to their commanders. Of course we have some exceptions like WB would still much bigger than Marco. Zoro would be bigger than Luffy. But Kid is actually much closer to Killer than we think. Same about Law and Bepo, not as close as Kid and Killer but much more than we think.
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We gotta respect sakazuki :kayneshrug:

It's between him and Mihawk for top 1 until BB's time comes
Akainu not even top 5. Kizaru was ready to take 2 Yonko by himself and was not afraid of Kinemon like Akainu.
Comparison on what was mentioned on panels discussing Shanks' and Mihawk's bounties:

1. Shanks being Yonko for 6 Years, youngest of the Yonko and well trusted by his subordinates
2. Shanks' executives (Beckman, Roo, Yassop each earn their own fame)
3. Shanks' crew (having high average, most-balanced, impenetrable crew of all the Yonko crews)

Bonus(not mentioned directly in panels discussing bounties):
-Member of the Legendary Pirate King Roger's Crew
-Had duels with now WSS Mihawk

Bounty Given: 4,048,900,000


Bounty Given: 3,590,000,000

1. WSS (a swordsman who's swordsmanship is so strong it is even greater than Yonko Shanks)

Bonus(not mentioned directly in panels discussing bounties):
-Marine Hunter in the past
-Had duels with now Yonko Shanks

Ain't it pretty easy to identify who was given more bounty due to individual strength?

:steef: :steef::steef:
Comparison on what was mentioned on panels discussing Shanks' and Mihawk's bounties:

1. Shanks being Yonko for 6 Years, youngest of the Yonko and well trusted by his subordinates
2. Shanks' executives (Beckman, Roo, Yassop each earn their own fame)
3. Shanks' crew (having high average, most-balanced, impenetrable crew of all the Yonko crews)

Bonus(not mentioned directly in panels discussing bounties):
-Member of the Legendary Pirate King Roger's Crew
-Had duels with now WSS Mihawk

Bounty Given: 4,048,900,000


Bounty Given: 3,590,000,000

1. WSS (a swordsman who's swordsmanship is so strong it is even greater than Yonko Shanks)

Bonus(not mentioned directly in panels discussing bounties):
-Marine Hunter in the past
-Had duels with now Yonko Shanks

Ain't it pretty easy to identify who was given more bounty due to individual strength?

:steef: :steef::steef:

Bounty Given: 2,247,600,000

1. Gained Might New Followers through his assault on impel down 2 years ago (aka crew means nothing)
2. Expanding his territory to fill the void of whitebeard (aka Territory means nothing)

Bonus (not mentioned directly in panels discussing bounties)
- Was on whitebeards crew
- Captured Ace
- Killed Thatch and Whitebeard
- Beat WB remnants led by Marco
- Beat Bonney and her crew
- Attacked Revolutionary Army (revos fled)
- Has 2 Devil fruits which is unique to only him

Ain't it pretty easy to identify what bounties actually mean combat abilities and threat to the government like marine hunting.
