General & Others Tobi Roppo are the main opponents of the 6 weaker SHs

Will the Mid/Weak Trio fight the Tobi Roppo?

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The point I've talked about is, they're not even close to being even equals, none of the Strawhats have fought opponents that Luffy has fought, without all the bullshit nuances I doubt Chopper Nami or Usopp beating even the likes of Pre time skip Moria, Lucci... it just seems utterly ridiculous that these strawhats in two years could match with the likes of these enemies, they either dont have Haki or are very underdeveloped Haki. And I'm expected to believe these guys could handle the upper tiers of a Yonko Crew? Holy shit no.
If they can't, then Luffy better ditch them and pick up some better crewmates then.

I'm sorry but I don't want to see BB Captains being taken down by Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Jinbe and the SH Grand Fleet Captains while Usopp and the rest remains on the sideline cheering and sometimes attracting some unwanted attention.

Oda did an awful job with most of the SH since the start of the New World saga. Most of them seems to have just wasted their time on useless islands. Even Usopp, who is the one who voiced the realization that he needed to become a whole lot stronger than he was and has unlocked CoO doesn't seem stronger than he was in EL, where he was already too weak to deal with even the weakest of the CP9 cronies... ANd yet, he has attacks which equates the power of Caesar's own !
No. No there isn't. Any veteran level person no diffs weaker SHs.

When Franky is struggling with Baby 5, Buffalo, Senor Pink or even Bastille, thinking he can take out guys around this level is fucking absurd

The context that you're not putting in

Prior to being beaten by Perospero, Brook and Chopper were already panting and wounded after taking out a number of soldiers, something that Perospero commented and complimented on

You haven't actually posted anything in the slightest that suggests that Nami somehow should not be able to fight against a Flying Six, just a picture of her being held by Smoothie, who is miles stronger than any of them.

You're utterly ignoring the weaker Strawhats feats against the vastly superior BM later in the arc, which includes
Nami and Chopper dodging an attack from BM, then Chopper being able to protect against one with guard point

Brook facing up to a fully prepared Big Mom, who is openly challenging him to a fight, and blitzing the shit out of her

And Nami blasting BM to hell with Zeus

As for Franky, in your arc that happened six years ago, you've also neglected to show that he was fighting against Senor Pink, Machvise, Dellinger, Bastille and a host of Marine and DF family fodder, at the same time.

So no, there's really absolutely nothing that says the Strawhats absolutely cannot defeat the Flying Six because it wouldn't break some unwritten law in the series about power levels. Especially since the Flying Six haven't actually done anything yet- and even among them there seems to be a difference in strength being set up by Oda, with Sasaki and Who's Who standing out compared to the rest of them. The Strawhats have had moments where they look bad, but also moments where they look great- Brook blitzing BM in particular is an outstanding feat


When were you under the impression this game is..
There are counterexamples like these throughout the entire story. Brooke vs BM, Nami vs BM etc. Zoro random "loss" to how many people now like the Yeti bros. Like I said, Oda isn't consistent with power structure. He uses characters as hypetools all the time. There hasn't been serious fights since Dressrosa and that was multiple arcs ago.
?????? Brook vs big mom was big mom trying to add her into her collection and him struggling in vain. Did he beat her? no.

Nami vs Bm, did she beat her? No, in fact she did nothing.

Zoro got careless and fell asleep.

You really arent helping your case here with these examples.
death match with who? Udon was a vacation and thats not a warmup fight, again for it to be a warmup fight zoro actually needed to not be nerfed by plot/ same as killer.
Sanji p1 fight was inconclusive.
Since when did warmup fights need to have strict criteria

They were fights earlier in the arc
They led to plot developments/ demonstrated new abilities/ learned new abilities
They aren't going to be the main fights of the arc

They're the very definition of what a warm up fight was.

There's no reason for the M3 to get yet another fight at the expense of another character.
At the expense of who, exactly?

The tobi roppo are on par with the supernova. Who's Who and Sasaki are literally trying to fight yonko commanders.

I fail to see exactly how the m3 fighting them would steal a fight from the fodder trio
At the expense of literally every other character in the alliance side. Never mind the other Strawhats, who I think should be the ones to beat the Flying Six, it would still make more sense for the Scabbards to beat them then it would for Zoro, Sanji and Jinbei to get to beat two separate enemies each.

Them wanting to beat a Calamity is irrelevant. They haven't. It's classic villain overestimation of themselves, the same way Pica thought he could take on the entirety of Dressrosa by himself. Or thinking that Diamente could win the tourney for the Mera Mera.

"Supernova level" is also nonsense. As wide and varied as Warlord or Vice Admiral level, it's an utterly meaningless phrase. We've seen Page One fight. He screamed like a stuck pig from every casual hit Sanji landed on him. Sanji, for his part, took a hit from him, got up and said "hurts a bit." There was a clear difference in strength between the two. So are you telling me that just because Page One and Drake are Flying Six, Drake would also be howling with pain from casual kicks from RS Sanji? And if that's the case... why waste time with another fight between Sanji and a Flying Six?
"Supernova level" is also nonsense. As wide and varied as Warlord or Vice Admiral level, it's an utterly meaningless phrase. We've seen Page One fight. He screamed like a stuck pig from every casual hit Sanji landed on him. Sanji, for his part, took a hit from him, got up and said "hurts a bit." There was a clear difference in strength between the two. So are you telling me that just because Page One and Drake are Flying Six, Drake would also be howling with pain from casual kicks from RS Sanji? And if that's the case... why waste time with another fight between Sanji and a Flying Six?
Sanji was able to injure oven with base kicks, is it really so hard to believe that raid suit sanji couldn't make a supernova scream out in pain with a base kick?

Also, Sanji didn't actually defeat Page and Page was able to send RS sanji flying through a city block. I highly doubt Franky would be able to do something similar.
- Who’s Who is a swordsman like Zoro and he’s probably one of the two strongest Tobi Roppo outside of Drake
- Sasaki is a fishman like Jinbe and he’s probably one of the two strongest Tobi Roppo outside of Drake
- Page One is a martial artist like Sanji, he’s possibly the third strongest Tobi Roppo outside of Drake and he already clashed with Sanji

Now I’m not saying they will fight Luffy’s Monster Trio but it’s hard not to see a possible pattern here. In any case, I think their opponents have to be characters from one of those groups : Luffy’s M3, Mid/Weak Trio or the Red Scabbards.
Sanji was able to injure oven with base kicks, is it really so hard to believe that raid suit sanji couldn't make a supernova scream out in pain with a base kick?
I do find it difficult to believe, yes. Page One was screaming from Sanji's hits worse than Bege was against BM, or the four Supernova captains pre-skip were against Kizaru.

Also, Sanji didn't actually defeat Page and Page was able to send RS sanji flying through a city block. I highly doubt Franky would be able to do something similar.
Why has "sending people flying through some buildings" suddenly became a fantastic feat despite the fact more damage is done to the buildings than the people?

Could Franky do what Page One did? Take out a couple of buildings and barely hurt Sanji? Of course he could. A Radical Beam or a General Cannon would blow half the Flower Capital to hell. Wouldn't do much damage to Sanji though.
As a side note to what @Garp the Fist said, I think it's worth it to remember that Page One was a)not seen for a whole two weeks after the fight and b)deemed an embarrassment for the Tobi Roppo by Sasaki alongside Drake, and it's not so far-fetched that it's because Page One was defeated and out of commission for at least a good portion of those two weeks (which is One Piece is basically long enough to have even the worst injuries ever healed completely) and Drake kept failing to get his hands on Sangoro/O-Soba Mask, when the FLying Six are supposed to elite of the Beast pirate officers, just below the Calamities.

I mean, aside from -probably- the Numbers, Hawkins and Apoo (both members of the Worst generation) as there even be one Headliner who seems able to hold his own against Pekoms, who is able to one punch K.O. Supernovas (that is, pirates who reached 100 millions berries or more before reaching the Sabaody) ?

Which is why it'd be strange to not have the weaker Straw Hats fight the F6. Who will they fight, if not ? Headliners nobody give a fuck about because they are all weaker than the last we saw ? Veterans of the Big Mom Pirates ? We have already established that Pekoms, a relatively low ranking BMP has already demonstrated his superiority to 90% of the Headliners, and Oven and the likes had no difficulties preventing him to turn into a Sulong and either blinding/killing/incapacitating him.

Oda even went out of his way to stress how outnumbered the Alliance is without establishing any other potential foes for the weaker SH to fight that the F6/Numbers/Veterans of the BMP. And I'm generous with the Numbers, which seems to be more mindless beasts than real intelligent opponents.
The tobi roppo literally seem like the CP9 guys introduced at Enies Lobby after we already knew Lucci, Kaku, Blueno and Kalifa.
A quirky group with own personality traits and unique appearances that created the impression there are so many agents like Lucci and Kaku.
Not quite, Chopper & Franky & Nami never fought any of the zoan Cp9 agents, they fought da useless ones.
F6 have no chapapa type members.

Robin & Franky can beat Amande & Mont D'or tho'
Based on?
Also does not change the fact they still belonged to the same group and acted like they were monsters.
Fukurou and Kumadori had only 10 and 20 douriki less than Blueno respectively, who equally crushed the Strawhats, especially Luffy in W7, and Enies Lobby Luffy had to get serious against him, but he also was the one who got weaker in those 5 years due to the lifestyle.
And well, Kalifa was a woman.