[FNZ] Role Madness Toonami Mafia I: Fullmetal Alchemist

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Activated both his Philosophers stones to refill his kill shots to target ??? And ??? But they were protected by GodFathers Shield

Blue/Yoki was killed by an amped Philosophers stone

Winry activated auto mail arm blade to kill Alex Arm strong/Ripped Cal

Blue and RippedCal have become a Philosophers stone. No talking
bruh... The other person who cal targeted must be Kag.


He was clearly just bullshitting around until his action processed. Again, too quick.
He shouldn´t do this, he even was following and defending Rej who was openly scumming, this was the dumbest thing you could do as a townie. You can blame me all you want, I regret nothing! Do better if you get the opportunity in a situation like mine.

Vote lynch Kagurashii


No dude... that's a bike...!!

Activated his Philosophers stone to amp divine punishment to no longer require a claim and make it a Omega kill. GodFather/Ekkologix was omega killed by Scar

Greedling/Lord Melkor-Fujishiro have achieved their win con and left the game

Dante has taken over as Godmother of the Homunculus
it was just a prank guys :usoprice:

thanks for the game


Pot Goblin


Activated his Philosophers stone to amp divine punishment to no longer require a claim and make it a Omega kill. GodFather/Ekkologix was omega killed by Scar

Greedling/Lord Melkor-Fujishiro have achieved their win con and left the game

Dante has taken over as Godmother of the Homunculus
Finally, some good news
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