Controversial Top 15 Conquerors in History

How would you list them in top 15?

Random Videos top 15 list, other comparisons:

First of all, I will remove the ones who were never on battlefield, they were more politician than a conqueror.

Now, my top 15 list:

15- Francisco Pizarro (1478 – 1541) , Spanish Empire

14- Bayezid the Thunderbolt (1360 - 1402), Ottoman Empire

13- Süleyman the Magnificent (1494 - 1566) , Ottoman Empire

12- Selim the Resolute (1470 – 1520), Ottoman Empire

11- Julius Caesar (100 BC – 44 BC), Roman Republic

10- Mahmud of Ghazni (971 – 1030) , Ghaznavid Empire

9- Akbar the Great (1542 - 1605) , Mughal Empire

8- Napoleon (1769 – 1821) , French Empire

7- Mehmed the Conqueror (1432 – 1481) , Ottoman Empire

6- Caliph Umar (582 – 644) , Islamic Caliphate

5- Cyrus the Great (600 BC – 530 BC) , Achaemenid Empire

4- Atilla the Hun  (406–453) , Hunnic Empire

3- Alexander the Great (356 BC – 323 BC) , Macedonian Empire

2- Ghengis Khan (1162 –1227) , Mongol Empire

1- Timur (1336 - 1405) , Timurid Empire

Why I put Temujin and Timur above Alexander? Because Ghengis and Timur came from literally nothing yet they conquered a large portion of the world, Alexander inherited a kingdom from his father, Temujin and Timur didn't inherit a kingdom.

As for why I put Timur above Temujin, Timur conquered India where he had to fight War Elephants which was the tanks of that era, meanwhile Temujin conquered some parts of China but he was never tested vs special War Elephants, or didn't fight against great commanders like Thunderbolt Bayezid or Tokhtamysh Khan, Timur beat them and stayed undefeated. Temujin wasn't undefeated, Temujin lost in 1203 Battle of Khalakhaljid Sands.

Some tags from Samurai vs Pirates thread:

What is your top 15?
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Conquerors are evil.

With that said.

In no order and with « recent » history only

1/ Mao, conquered China
2/ Napoleon, conquered Europe
3/ Churchill, resisting against Nazi Germany and setting Europe on fire
3/ Moshe Dayan, defeated Arab nations within 100 day
4/ George Bush Junior, invading Irak and Afghanistan
5/ Sarkozy, took down Gadhafi because he was in debt to him
6/ Ho Chi Minh, conquered Vietnam against US occupation
7/ Kemal, took Türkiye back from European forces.
8/ Prigojine, advancing in Russian territory with weak firepower

Honorary mention for unrankable group aka the CIA

I couldn’t come up with 15 modern idiots but I guess this is enough. For now.


@Erkan12 These youtube videos answer your question way better than any of us ever could but Qin Shi Huang managed to unite China from what used to be a mismash of different states for over a decade so he should be ranked somewhere.
1. Brtish empire - the small island mange took over entire world . USA came from British people . Minen these Anglo Saxon before Christianity/Roman came were barley have civilization like ancient rome/ Greece. Then brtian empire surpass ancient rome empire.

2. Mongol Empire / Ghengis Khan
Second biggest empire by conqueroring

3. Alexander the Great /Macedonian Empire

4. Spanish empire- control Latin America mostly . Defeat Aztec and Inca empire.

5. Ancient rome empire

6. Persian empire - Big empire goes from Egypt to North west India


Hustlerversity Graduate
4/ George Bush Junior, invading Irak and Afghanistan
I don't get this.

George Bush had Global Empire at his disposal and manufacturing consent of public ( 9-11 attacks) and he was exhausted after *conquering* only two countries and pull out due to to failure

If you mention Mao then Nehru should be there as well

He had to conquer all the princely states one by one

Conquering is easy but retaining all territories and have ever lasting mostly positive impact even long after your death is what make you a good conquer

That's why Nehru and Mao come on top in modern times atleast
How would you list them in top 15?

Random Videos top 15 list:

15- Julius Caesar (100 BC – 44 BC), Roman Republic

14- Hernan Cortes (1485 – 1547) , Spanish Empire

13- Süleyman the Magnificent (1494 - 1566) , Ottoman Empire

12- Augustus Caesar (63 BC - AD 14) , Roman Empire

11- Francisco Pizarro (1478 – 1541) , Spanish Empire

10- Mahmud of Ghazni (971 – 1030) , Ghaznavid Empire

9- Napoleon (1769 – 1821) , French Empire

8- Akbar the Great (1542 - 1605) , Mughal Empire

7- Caliph Umar (582 – 644) , Islamic Caliphate

6- Adolf (1889 – 1945) , Nazi Germany

5- Atilla the Hun  (406–453) , Hunnic Empire

4- Cyrus the Great (600 BC – 530 BC) , Achaemenid Empire

3- Timur (1336 - 1405) , Timurid Empire

2- Alexander the Great (356 BC – 323 BC) , Macedonian Empire

1- Ghengis Khan (1162 –1227) , Mongol Empire

Now, my top 15 list:

First of all, I will remove Adolf and Augustus, because they weren't directly commanding their troops on the battlefield, they were more politician than a conqueror.

15- Francisco Pizarro (1478 – 1541) , Spanish Empire

14- Bayezid the Thunderbolt (1360 - 1402), Ottoman Empire

13- Süleyman the Magnificent (1494 - 1566) , Ottoman Empire

12- Selim the Resolute (1470 – 1520), Ottoman Empire

11- Julius Caesar (100 BC – 44 BC), Roman Republic

10- Mahmud of Ghazni (971 – 1030) , Ghaznavid Empire

9- Akbar the Great (1542 - 1605) , Mughal Empire

8- Napoleon (1769 – 1821) , French Empire

7- Mehmed the Conqueror (1432 – 1481) , Ottoman Empire

6- Caliph Umar (582 – 644) , Islamic Caliphate

5- Cyrus the Great (600 BC – 530 BC) , Achaemenid Empire

4- Atilla the Hun  (406–453) , Hunnic Empire

3- Alexander the Great (356 BC – 323 BC) , Macedonian Empire

2- Ghengis Khan (1162 –1227) , Mongol Empire

1- Timur (1336 - 1405) , Timurid Empire

Why I put Temujin and Timur above Alexander? Because Ghengis and Timur came from literally nothing yet they conquered a large portion of the world, Alexander inherited a kingdom from his father, Temujin and Timur didn't inherit a kingdom.

As for why I put Timur above Temujin, Timur conquered India where he had to fight War Elephants which was the tanks of that era, meanwhile Temujin conquered some parts of China but he was never tested vs special War Elephants, or didn't fight against great commanders like Thunderbolt Bayezid or Tokhtamysh Khan, Timur beat them and stayed undefeated. Temujin wasn't undefeated, Temujin lost in 1203 Battle of Khalakhaljid Sands.

Some tags from Samurai vs Pirates thread:

What is your top 15?
Change title to "list of worst genocidal pos" and I'll accept to post here.
Otherwise bye
I don't get this.

George Bush had Global Empire at his disposal and manufacturing consent of public ( 9-11 attacks) and he was exhausted after *conquering* only two countries and pull out due to to failure

If you mention Mao then Nehru should be there as well

He had to conquer all the princely states one by one

Conquering is easy but retaining all territories and have ever lasting mostly positive impact even long after your death is what make you a good conquer

That's why Nehru and Mao come on top in modern times atleast

Do you have ressource and links for Nehru ? I was always interested in that bastard.

Sarkozy, Bush and also Prigojine are kinda ironic lol

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
One thing I'll say is that taking Spanish explorers and such isn't valid

Bcs sickness killed hundred more than they did

You also gotta account how powerful were the enemies of the conqueror.

So with that in mind, with speed he did it with, resources and tactics, territory gained i would rank Alexander as first
Conquerors are evil.

With that said.

In no order and with « recent » history only

1/ Mao, conquered China
2/ Napoleon, conquered Europe
3/ Churchill, resisting against Nazi Germany and setting Europe on fire
3/ Moshe Dayan, defeated Arab nations within 100 day
4/ George Bush Junior, invading Irak and Afghanistan
5/ Sarkozy, took down Gadhafi because he was in debt to him
6/ Ho Chi Minh, conquered Vietnam against US occupation
7/ Kemal, took Türkiye back from European forces.
8/ Prigojine, advancing in Russian territory with weak firepower

Honorary mention for unrankable group aka the CIA

I couldn’t come up with 15 modern idiots but I guess this is enough. For now.
Some of them aren't conquerors but peasants organized to drive out evil empires. For something to be conquered it shouldn't be yours to begin with. Revolutions are people taking what it's theirs back. Momonosuke didn't conquer Wano. King Riku didn't conquer Dressrosa.
Some of them aren't conquerors but peasants organized to drive out evil empires. For something to be conquered it shouldn't be yours to begin with. Revolutions are people taking what it's theirs back. Momonosuke didn't conquer Wano. King Riku didn't conquer Dressrosa.
Revolutions are conquests. Especially when they have leaders and a civil wars.

China and Vietnam wouldn’t be « commie » without these two Asians.

Personal bias😂😂😂
Erkan is some kind of a Turkish bro btw ?
China became commie because half the country supported the commies. Blud talking like two mfs magically became leaders. I guess they conquered themselves lol