General & Others Top 5 Arcs of One Piece Discussion...

Alabasta 10 out of 10
Enies Lobby 9.5 out of 10
Marine Ford 9 out of 10
Skypea 8.5 out of 10
EB overall 8.5 out of 10
Thriller Bark 8 out of 10 (due to ending)
Dressrosa Saga overall 6 out of 10
Fishman Island 6 out of 10
Wano 5 out of 10
Whole Cake Island 1.5 out of 10
1) Water 7. The story was at its peak. The City itself was full of life with a bit of a dark and tragic side. Galley la company were great and Iceberg quickly became one of my favorite characters. And the Conflict between Luffy and Ussop was done perfectly. Ussop wanting to hold on to the Merry Go and his hometown and was the one who put the most love and care into her. And Luffy needing to make the tough decision to need to move forward to achieve their goals, resulting in One of the best fights in the series, and the best Ussop fight. 10/10
2) Enies Lobby. Where the meat of the action for the Sega is the Cp9 were great and memorable, and the fights for each of the Strawhats all showed off new weapons, techniques, and pushed all the Strawhats. And seeing how massive and powerful the World Government was and the things that would come later. 10/10.
3) Skypiea. Getting almost a one off story disconnected from the rest of the world was a nice break, with expanding the World and it's history. Not only was Enel powerful and we want for him to come back into play, but Skypiea gave us Dials something I personally love and want more of. And the Flashback with Noland was my favorite flashback in the series. 9.5/10
4) Arlong Park. The first arc that showed us how great of a writer Oda can be. Not only giving us an entire new species, be the weight and emotions were on point. The Flashback was nothing short of amazing and the Luffy Vs Arlong fight was really the first time we saw Luffy fighting at Full Power for his crew. 9.5/10.
(Unpopular Opinion)
5) Fishman Island. Being the first real arc of the Second Half of One Piece and the first arc all the Strawhats were together since their complete and utter defeat at Sabaody. This arc highlighted the Strawhats and their new strength better than any other arc. Being the Last Island and last test before the New World. The Strawhats breezed through the New Fishman Pirates which is really something we needed after the long stretch of Luffy just barely hanging on. The Fisher Tiger flashback was great and Neptune and the Three Princes are some of my favorite characters. 9/10. (Wish Hody was a better villain).