Controversial Top 5 Moments I wanted to happen


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Here's another top 5 today I'll list 5 events I wished had happened in the story but didn't

5. Rebecca eats Mera Mera- For a princess Rebecca was decently strong especially her observation Haki had Sabo not come out of nowhere I'm certain Luffy would of let Rebecca have the fruit and I believe had she gotten it she would of been boosted to a midteir or high low tier fighter

4. Strawhats vs Kaido- when Wano first started I was hoping to habe a call back to strawhats vs Oars but with Kaido seeing them work together to take down an overwhelming force until Luffy told them to go back down and let him handle kaido.

3. Greenbull a woman- another thing I was hoping is that green bull would be a woman the Admirals are the only group that doesn't have a powerful female

2. Bogard does something- over 900 chapters since he was first introduced and he's still yet to do anything I'm hoping the hype behind him is true a.d he's at least first commander lvl but bastard refuses to do anything

1. Momonosuke Conqueorrs Haki- All the shit Momo went through all the pain both mental and physical got a massive power boost. It's not like kids can't have Conqueorrs Ace unlocked his has a kid I imagined Momo screaming his name and a burst of conquerors coming out

Warchief Sanji D Goat

1. Sanji unlocking Conqueror's Haki so I can shit on Anti-Sanji monkeys.
2. Sanji unlocking Future Sight so I can shit on Anti-Sanji monkeys.
3. Sanji becoming the most dangerous man to the Marines so I can shit on Anti-Sanji monkeys.
4. Sanji found the All Blue by destroying Red Line/Reverse Mountain so I can shit on Anti-Sanji monkeys.
5. Sanji end up with Nami or Pudding so I can shit on Anti-Sanji monkeys (and also the shippers).
1. The Rooftop 5 defeats Kaido collectively, rather than yet again another Luffy complete solo.

I've given up on expectations that any character will defeat any major top villain. Oda refuses to allow anyone to have a major feat other than Luffy, even if it makes more sense. Allowing Luffy the finishing blow is fine, but completely soloing is boring imo.

2. Zoro killing Orochi to save Hiyori. WTF was the point of Enma reacting to Hiyori's music while Zoro defeated King? I was totally expecting Zoro to come in all menacing like to scare the shit out of Orochi. Denjiro was supposed to be critically injured by Kaido, it made no sense for him to come in out of nowhere full healed.

3. Perona joining the crew. Honestly, there is no other female character that'd fit in as well as she would. She is "Straw Hat Material".

4. Zoro and Sanji fight. A real fight, not a joke fight. Zoro threw Usopp out of the crew for disrespecting Luffy and if he finds out what Sanji did on WCI he should be in a rage toward Sanji tbh. I'm not a Sanji hater I swear, but this makes sense to happen.

5. Sanji beating the shit out of his crappy father. Sanji showing he doesn't need Judges enhancements, he's more powerful than him.


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1. The Rooftop 5 defeats Kaido collectively, rather than yet again another Luffy complete solo.

I've given up on expectations that any character will defeat any major top villain. Oda refuses to allow anyone to have a major feat other than Luffy, even if it makes more sense. Allowing Luffy the finishing blow is fine, but completely soloing is boring imo.

2. Zoro killing Orochi to save Hiyori. WTF was the point of Enma reacting to Hiyori's music while Zoro defeated King? I was totally expecting Zoro to come in all menacing like to scare the shit out of Orochi. Denjiro was supposed to be critically injured by Kaido, it made no sense for him to come in out of nowhere full healed.

3. Perona joining the crew. Honestly, there is no other female character that'd fit in as well as she would. She is "Straw Hat Material".

4. Zoro and Sanji fight. A real fight, not a joke fight. Zoro threw Usopp out of the crew for disrespecting Luffy and if he finds out what Sanji did on WCI he should be in a rage toward Sanji tbh. I'm not a Sanji hater I swear, but this makes sense to happen.

5. Sanji beating the shit out of his crappy father. Sanji showing he doesn't need Judges enhancements, he's more powerful than him.
There's a distinct difference between the Ussop situation and the Sanji situation Sanji thought he was doing what's best for the crew and need to protect Zeff who was being held hostage Luffy didnt fight back against Sanji because he wasn't mad at Sanji but he wasn't backing down either

On the other hand Ussop was being completely selfish and after his own self interest the crew would of been in more danger if they listened to Ussop and kept the sunny, idk why people think Zoro is a luffy dick rider and would attack anyone who disagrees with Luffy, Zoro sees Luffy has a man and will let him handle a situation his way will give advice but it's up to luffy to listen or not


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1. carrot getting killed and eaten by luffy

2. Vivi (the goat) joining the crew

3. Gaimon and his barrel bitch sex scene


#1 but with Chopper
Post automatically merged:

Yamato joining the Straw Hats
I like to think she did join but requested to stay back and look after wano for a bit

Much like how jinbe joined end of whole cake but stayed behind to protect his old crew and help them escape from big mom
Why are people so obsessed with Bogard. He is barely a character, Oda didn't even give him an introduction box. Instead of complaining why Bogard has no relevance, we should complain about Tsuru.
She was introduced in chapter 234 along with Sengoku, Whitebeard, Doflamingo, Kuma, Blackbeard.
Everyone that appeared in that chapter had a role later in the story EXCEPT Tsuru.
She had cameos in Marineford and Dressrosa, but she didn't really have that much screentime and I hope Oda does something with her.