Total War franchise.



People play games with titles such as 'Total War'. And when real wars happen people can have entirely different opinions on the matter of war.

The world is crazy. Humans are crazy. All of us.
Me too.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
People play games with titles such as 'Total War'. And when real wars happen people can have entirely different opinions on the matter of war.

The world is crazy. Humans are crazy. All of us.
Me too.
Oh stfu solis. Dont drag war and irl shit in little joy we have in such games


Oh stfu solis. Dont drag war and irl shit in little joy we have in such games

I wasn't attacking your enjoyment of fictional games.
I just realized how real life and fiction can be so diverging.

But this is no reason to insult me you know?

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
I wasn't attacking your enjoyment of fictional games.
I just realized how real life and fiction can be so diverging.

But this is no reason to insult me you know?
We are here to talk about the game, not make corelations with IRL, and you come here bringing stuff out of blue.

And if i wanted to insult you i would, telling someone to shut up isnt an insult

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
@Monet Don't go with full melee with dwarves. They have atrocious melee attack and strength but high melee defence. Dwarves are mainly for defending and turtle tactics.

Slayers is the only dwarven melee army that makes sense going full melee

Likewise Gyrocopter spam is fun lol


Tho my fav nation is Empire, i prolly did like 4 worlds conquests with Empire
@Monet Don't go with full melee with dwarves. They have atrocious melee attack and strength but high melee defence. Dwarves are mainly for defending and turtle tactics.

Slayers is the only dwarven melee army that makes sense going full melee

Likewise Gyrocopter spam is fun lol


Tho my fav nation is Empire, i prolly did like 4 worlds conquests with Empire
i already finished my dwarves campaign .
it was my first campaign in warhammer
and still didn't play anything else
except the small campaign of Beastmen.

i think i had enough of dwarves
so my next campaign it will be empire or anything else

also i am playing tw warhammer 1
i know that 2 is alot better
but i would like to play them in order
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Dwarves are best with Guns and Artillery. Their infantry is designed to hold the line - Basic ones with shields are enough until you get to Ironbreakers. Ironbreakers are the best defensive infantry in the game.

Focus on ranged first, Quarrels are good early but as enemy gets armour switch to guns. Flamethrowers are also good but finnicky to use if Orcs and Skaven go monsters. But against infantry they melt

Grudgethrowers are amazing, have like 3-4 in your early armies and they will shred the enemy infantry to the point they get in crossbow range they will be weak.

Mid game get Organ guns, they are the best. Flame cannons are good if you know how to use them

Early game - 5 infantry to hold the line, 2 Runesmiths if you can. 4. Grudge throwers, That's 10 units so far, 1 lord so 11, engineer if you are lucky, if not fill the rest with quarrels

late game - 5 Ironbreakers , 3 organ guns, 2 flame cannons, 1 lord ,1 engineer, 1 rune smith rest thunderers
@Adam 🍎

i will try this if play dwarves again and i will certainly do cuz they are my favourite faction yet
only tried beastmen and dwarves
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In case anybody missed the news, the full map for Immortal Empires has been revealed.
i really hope they add more new races like araby etc
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Starting positions for the Empire and demonic Chaos factions have been revealed. Some of the choices are... Interesting.
5 minute video.
I honestly expected at least one Demon faction to be in the Southern Chaos Wastes since that was a completely new area to explore and who else would you plonk there? I guess a Beastmen faction can still be plonked there.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Starting positions for the Empire and demonic Chaos factions have been revealed. Some of the choices are... Interesting.
5 minute video.
I honestly expected at least one Demon faction to be in the Southern Chaos Wastes since that was a completely new area to explore and who else would you plonk there? I guess a Beastmen faction can still be plonked there.
Markus - Hard position?
easiest campaign





Lizardmen starting positions revealed for Immortal Empires.
3 minute video.
Nakai has had enough of Markus. He's moved to a whole new continent. :milaugh:

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Lizardmen starting positions revealed for Immortal Empires.
3 minute video.
Nakai has had enough of Markus. He's moved to a whole new continent. :milaugh:
Man Tiktaq'to, got FUCKED HARD.

Not only Empire is there with its ranger units, Tzeentch is also there with is Ranged Units.

Tiktaq'to player will need to fucking rush both of them first before Empire gets Gunners and hellblasters/huntsmen and Tzeentch gets his air force
Man Tiktaq'to, got FUCKED HARD.

Not only Empire is there with its ranger units, Tzeentch is also there with is Ranged Units.

Tiktaq'to player will need to fucking rush both of them first before Empire gets Gunners and hellblasters/huntsmen and Tzeentch gets his air force
If Tik allies with Volkmar then he could get some decent missile troops off of him with that mechanic which allows players to recruit units in an allied faction's roster. That Warhammer 3 mechanic is going to be in Immortal Empires, right?

If not then yeah, Tik is going to have a tough time being near one faction that excels at range and another that excels at range and flight/mobility.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
If Tik allies with Volkmar then he could get some decent missile troops off of him with that mechanic which allows players to recruit units in an allied faction's roster. That Warhammer 3 mechanic is going to be in Immortal Empires, right?

If not then yeah, Tik is going to have a tough time being near one faction that excels at range and another that excels at range and flight/mobility.
I highly doubt they will be able to ally.

Great plan has a debuff towards other nations , and Volkmar is devout fanatic that will prolly consider everyone around him ass.

Volkmar must ally Bretonians in Araby and Tomb Kings. He will need Anti Large from both to deal with Skarbrand and Tzeentch plus some others.
Start positions for Norsca and Kislev revealed.
2 minute video.
2 minute video.
Pretty much the same for position for all Lords bar big ol' Boris who has travelled North to take the fight directly to Chaos.

For the other factions, it looks like their starting positions will be revealed in this order with one faction reveal per day.
  1. High Elves
  2. Bretonnia
  3. Grand Cathay
  4. Skaven
  5. Greenskins
  6. Ogre Kingdoms
  7. Beastmen
  8. Tomb Kings
  9. Wood Elves
  10. Vampire Coast
  11. Dwarfs
  12. Dark Elves
  13. Vampire Counts
  14. Warriors of Chaos

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Start positions for Norsca and Kislev revealed.
2 minute video.
2 minute video.
Pretty much the same for position for all Lords bar big ol' Boris who has travelled North to take the fight directly to Chaos.

For the other factions, it looks like their starting positions will be revealed in this order with one faction reveal per day.
  1. High Elves
  2. Bretonnia
  3. Grand Cathay
  4. Skaven
  5. Greenskins
  6. Ogre Kingdoms
  7. Beastmen
  8. Tomb Kings
  9. Wood Elves
  10. Vampire Coast
  11. Dwarfs
  12. Dark Elves
  13. Vampire Counts
  14. Warriors of Chaos
you know damn well players will go all around to find Malekith and fuck him up
Starting positions for High Elves and Bretonnia revealed.
3 minute video.
3 minute video.
The most interesting changes are Teclis and Alberic. Both have moved to a different continent.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Starting positions for High Elves and Bretonnia revealed.
3 minute video.
3 minute video.
The most interesting changes are Teclis and Alberic. Both have moved to a different continent.
Omg Teclis starting position.... thats a fucking hard one. Not so much bcs of Kairos, teclis wins over him, but Lizardmen and Skaven will fucl him up
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Alberic on other hand. VERY GOOD, so interesting