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When were you under the impression this game is..
Bloody night:

He was Pakunoda/ Guardian Angel

@Charlie was killed by the Serial Killer


He was Light Nostrade/ Godfather

@ConquistadoR has been killed by the Juggernaut


He was Neon Nostrade/ Consort

@Light D Lamperouge has been killed by the Coven Leader.


He was Shalnark/ Potion Master

@Ekkologix has been killed by the Mafia.

He left a will behind:

Allow me to introduce myself properly ningens.

My name is Kekkotion Master. A scientist. I make potions to cure all diseases, not including zolos poison, ofcourse... that ones a clear lie.

I have few things to share:

1. our cult leader targeted yo tan n2 and controlled him to aries and guess what happened? yo tan turned out to be the consort whose factional kill and roleblock were redirected to aries, so the medusa got rekt af. Do me a favor and yeet yo tan into the sun after you see this. Hes guranteed consort. Ask yourself why did the medusa not kill the mafia who attacked it and u will have ur answer.

2. we have no poisoner. idk what is zolo smoking tbh. may be a jester or trying to make us think hes one

3. rem is the jaggernaut, and i have a feeling he will kill me tonight. rip in pieces. nothing i can do to stop it.

4. porosnax survived my potion master kill. he is the godfather. yeet him too

5. protown/neutral indies yall win with us. yeet yo tan / light first. then rem maybe. or vice versa honestly. rem can rampage after killing me so maybe yeet him first and coven will kill yo tan. the last mafias left in dofla/pero/poro. yeet those after.

its a path to victory. join me brothers and sisters.

An amnesiac remembered who they were.

It is Day 3.

You have 24 hours to discuss.

With 6 alive it takes 4 to decide on a lynch.



What could have been...
Bloody night:

He was Pakunoda/ Guardian Angel

@Charlie was killed by the Serial Killer


He was Light Nostrade/ Godfather

@ConquistadoR has been killed by the Juggernaut


He was Neon Nostrade/ Consort

@Light D Lamperouge has been killed by the Coven Leader.


He was Shalnark/ Potion Master

@Ekkologix has been killed by the Mafia.

He left a will behind:

An amnesiac remembered who they were.

It is Day 3.

You have 24 hours to discuss.

With 6 alive it takes 4 to decide on a lynch.


game for the thanks


The Rogue Prince
Bloody night:

He was Pakunoda/ Guardian Angel

@Charlie was killed by the Serial Killer


He was Light Nostrade/ Godfather

@ConquistadoR has been killed by the Juggernaut


He was Neon Nostrade/ Consort

@Light D Lamperouge has been killed by the Coven Leader.


He was Shalnark/ Potion Master

@Ekkologix has been killed by the Mafia.

He left a will behind:

An amnesiac remembered who they were.

It is Day 3.

You have 24 hours to discuss.

With 6 alive it takes 4 to decide on a lynch.

Thanks for the game @Flowa @Fujishiro ! And whoever the juggernaut is, fuck you! :whitepress:
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