As I've said Zoro and Luffy are trained by yonko tier fighters while kid/law wasn't and they are MCs so they have higher growth rate than them. And the result is Zoro/Luffy became yonko after ts so the realistic level of kidd/law is around kata. But they're not even kata as they don't have FS so they're just around doffy. So It's clear that oda wants to be realistic as possible. What's not realistic is BM being nerfed just to be defeated by them. And continuing the trajectory, there's just no way doffy level fighters would be fighting yonko tiers after 3 months which is the time for final war. Even if there's 2 year time skip, I don't think they would reach that level. So for them to be able to defeat top tiers during final war, is another nerfing of their opponents which I think fans don't like as evidenced by wano sales.