With One Piece there is the tendency that the fandom doesn't know whether a character is really dead or not.
Sometimes it turns out to be a fake death, some other times it turns out to be a real death but the belated confirmation takes away too much from an emotional point of view in my opinion.
I think this is clearly a lose-lose situation.
However what about other mangas?
Are you aware of fake deaths or delayed confirmations situations?
I can't remember any specific case in this moment tbh...
Sometimes it turns out to be a fake death, some other times it turns out to be a real death but the belated confirmation takes away too much from an emotional point of view in my opinion.
I think this is clearly a lose-lose situation.
However what about other mangas?
Are you aware of fake deaths or delayed confirmations situations?
I can't remember any specific case in this moment tbh...