I've never shared my hot takes on this forum before, but I may as well before Wano is over...
- Akainu, Dragon, Mihawk, and prime Blackbeard > Roger/Garp (the old generation is heavily overrated).
- Shanks is the weakest individual Yonko, but his true power comes from him having the strongest commanders and world influence.
- Sanji is a more enjoyable character than Zoro, due to his personality, unpredictability, and character development. On the other hand, Zoro has better fight choreography and progression towards his end goal.
- Jimbei is incredibly underrated and is a top 5 Straw Hat in writing. Those who say he's "too new to the crew" forget everything he did before becoming an official member.
- The "Wings Dynamic" and the "Captain/Vice-Captain Dynamic" have equal importance in the story. It's time to put your biases aside.
- Anyone who hates Usopp is evil.
- Yamato is not a bad character, they are just yet to be fully fleshed out.
- Sabo is not currently "Admiral Level" and people only think so because they misinterpret Fujitora's goals in Dressrosa.
- Whole Cake Island is the best Post TS arc, and Luffy vs Katakuri is the best fight in the series.
- Nami > Robin but they're both amazing.
- Shiryu of the Rain has the coolest character design out of all of the right-hand men.
- Zoro is stronger than Kidd and Law, regardless of them being Luffy's rivals.
- Sulong Bepo solos the verse.
That's all!