US Presidental Race : 2020

Who is taking the US Presidential Election ?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Kanye West

    Votes: 36 29.0%

  • Total voters
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Shit, looks like I'm voting for Trump.
don't tell me that you've been indoctrinated by bernie so much that you'd rather vote for Trump than support the DNC establishment

The Democrats will lose so badly in November just like they did in 2016, and all the hot takes of HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN AGAIN are going to make me cry with laughter before I swallow the cyanide pill.
the whole "bernie will boost mass turnout" thing is a myth. It would energize bernie bros but that would be it. tbh a Bernie nomination might actually decrease turnout because you'd force the general population, which doesn't like socialism, to choose between the lesser of two evils. If bernie could really boost turnout like you say then he wouldn't be getting beat by Biden.

the general election will include not just the democrat electorate( in which Biden is more popular than bernie) but also republicans and moderates, who won't vote bernie. Just look at how bernie performed in a red state like South Carolina, anyone who is moderately conservative would much rather vote Biden than bernie.

biden is a veteran to politics, apart from the Ukraine scandal, I don't think he has much baggage(unlike Hillary). An election between trump and Biden would be a referendum against trump. A bernie vs Trump election would make trump the moderate and bernie the radical, it will be a referendum on socialism and not a referendum on trump

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
don't tell me that you've been indoctrinated by bernie so much that you'd rather vote for Trump than support the DNC establishment

the whole "bernie will boost mass turnout" thing is a myth. It would energize bernie bros but that would be it. tbh a Bernie nomination might actually decrease turnout because you'd force the general population, which doesn't like socialism, to choose between the lesser of two evils. If bernie could really boost turnout like you say then he wouldn't be getting beat by Biden.

the general election will include not just the democrat electorate( in which Biden is more popular than bernie) but also republicans and moderates, who won't vote bernie. Just look at how bernie performed in a red state like South Carolina, anyone who is moderately conservative would much rather vote Biden than bernie.

biden is a veteran to politics, apart from the Ukraine scandal, I don't think he has much baggage(unlike Hillary). An election between trump and Biden would be a referendum against trump. A bernie vs Trump election would make trump the moderate and bernie the radical, it will be a referendum on socialism and not a referendum on trump
Not just Bernie; even Warren would be better than Biden.
Also, a bernie presidency would be a 4 year long lame duck period.
he would accomplish nothing

Bernie is simply out of touch with the American people. He hates free markets, supports communist dictators, he supports big government. He has the most radical policies of anyone who's run for president in recent years, with him literally calling his campaign a "revolution". What would he accomplish?

How many congressmen and senators not named Alexandria ocasio Cortez are socialists? A bernie nomination could result in dems losing the house and definitely not taking the senate. But even if they keep the house, I guarantee a good chunk of democratic congressmen and senators would actually vote alongside republicans in many of Bernie's proposals.

Biden might not fix all of our problems, but he'll at least make things better, unlike bernie
don't tell me that you've been indoctrinated by bernie so much that you'd rather vote for Trump than support the DNC establishment

the whole "bernie will boost mass turnout" thing is a myth. It would energize bernie bros but that would be it. tbh a Bernie nomination might actually decrease turnout because you'd force the general population, which doesn't like socialism, to choose between the lesser of two evils. If bernie could really boost turnout like you say then he wouldn't be getting beat by Biden.

the general election will include not just the democrat electorate( in which Biden is more popular than bernie) but also republicans and moderates, who won't vote bernie. Just look at how bernie performed in a red state like South Carolina, anyone who is moderately conservative would much rather vote Biden than bernie.

biden is a veteran to politics, apart from the Ukraine scandal, I don't think he has much baggage(unlike Hillary). An election between trump and Biden would be a referendum against trump. A bernie vs Trump election would make trump the moderate and bernie the radical, it will be a referendum on socialism and not a referendum on trump
Dems called Bernie supporters idiots
They rigged the election against him in 2016
They accused Bernie of being sexist
They dismissed all of Bernie’s multiracial support and acted like all of Bernie’s support was from young white dudes.
They called him a communist.
They barely covered him at all in 2019, and then when he started gaining traction in January, they did nothing but viciously attack him.
They demonized his supporters and acted like they’re all a bunch of toxic white incels.

Why the fuck should we help them out after they said that we’re all a bunch of dumb, toxic, violent commies? Word for the wise, if you want to win over support, don’t treat us like we’re the worst people ever. If some bully kicks you in the balls over and over again and then asks you to help him beat up an even bigger bully, are you an asshole for telling him to fuck off?

Trump will be very bad for the country, but the establishment never changing will be even worse in the long run. If you put a frog in boiling water, it will jump out, but if you slowly raise the temperature over time, it will be cooked to death. I think that Trump is worse on policies than Biden, but I think that 4 more years of Trump could make America jump out of the boiling water instead of being slowly cooked to death. Let Trump win in 2020, and then let his inflated economy come crashing down on him sometime before 2024. The Republican Party will become so unpopular because of a recession and some of the older Dem voters might wisen up and realize, after both Hillary and Joe lost, that running a centrist isn’t the answer. We might be able to run a younger progressive (preferably a woman so that dumb SJWs will vote for her no matter what) who doesn’t have to suffer from the baggage of the questionable things that Bernie said in the 1900s. That could put us in a very good position to get a progressive president in 2024. I don’t think that Trump is better than Biden, but I think that a Trump 2020 win is just more strategic for improving America in the long run. The only thing that I’d be worried about is Trump appointing more judges
Also, a bernie presidency would be a 4 year long lame duck period.
he would accomplish nothing

Bernie is simply out of touch with the American people. He hates free markets, supports communist dictators, he supports big government. He has the most radical policies of anyone who's run for president in recent years, with him literally calling his campaign a "revolution". What would he accomplish?

How many congressmen and senators not named Alexandria ocasio Cortez are socialists? A bernie nomination could result in dems losing the house and definitely not taking the senate. But even if they keep the house, I guarantee a good chunk of democratic congressmen and senators would actually vote alongside republicans in many of Bernie's proposals.

Biden might not fix all of our problems, but he'll at least make things better, unlike bernie
Biden is so obsessed with compromising with Republicans that he’ll give them everything they want. No thanks.
Religion plays a part in US as well , you have no idea people still believe obama is muslim in some of the counties .
I know it does, but here it's in a much greater magnitude. A very large no. of people don't care about anything else but religious politics just 10 days ago when President Trump was in India, communal riots broke out... They were systematically organised by our Govt for achieving their twisted aims.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower

I know it does, but here it's in a much greater magnitude. A very large no. of people don't care about anything else but religious politics just 10 days ago when President Trump was in India, communal riots broke out... They were systematically organised by our Govt for achieving their twisted aims.
Curious how y’all feel about Donnie...he’s thus far excluded you from the travel ban, but he’s still a dipshit racist against anyone who isn’t a white man.
Curious how y’all feel about Donnie...he’s thus far excluded you from the travel ban, but he’s still a dipshit racist against anyone who isn’t a white man.
His being dipshit racist is the reason why he gets along so well wid our PM Modi.. You see, Trump's trying to throw out Muslims out of US and our Govt here recently created a law which changes citizenship laws and gives illegal immigrants Indian citizenship but only if they aren't Muslims... In short, all the Muslim immigrants will be thrown out and non-Muslim immigrants will be given citizenship.
That's the reason riots were ordered by our Govt, to scare away the protesters who were opposing this law, coz police brutality wasn't enough to scare them.
Unlike Trump who's sympathetic towards Modi's communal mindset, Bernie atleast has the guts to call out our PM when he engages in religious politics and criticize various incidents taking place in India.
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Have to say Bernie isdone mate.

Other swings states like michigan, florida will swing to biden.

Biden vs trump it is i guess.


His being dipshit racist is the reason why he gets along so well wid our PM Modi.. You see, Trump's trying to throw out Muslims out of US and our Govt here recently created a law which changes citizenship laws and gives illegal immigrants Indian citizenship but only if they aren't Muslims... In short, all the Muslim immigrants will be thrown out and non-Muslim immigrants will be given citizenship.
That's the reason riots were ordered by our Govt, to scare away the protesters who were opposing this law, coz police brutality wasn't enough to scare them.
Unlike Trump who's sympathetic towards Modi's communal mindset, Bernie atleast has the guts to call out our PM when he engages in religious politics and criticize various incidents taking place in India.
Trumpis probably better than Dubya at least. Many thought he ll drag people to war against North korea.

The only thing many of right hate trump is he blabs too much like he cant shut his mouth. It can be a problematic at times .

Overall compared to bernie trump conslidate right wing well . I really doubt he is racist or he wont be winning electorates here.



I know it does, but here it's in a much greater magnitude. A very large no. of people don't care about anything else but religious politics just 10 days ago when President Trump was in India, communal riots broke out... They were systematically organised by our Govt for achieving their twisted aims.
If i know india has Hindu-Muslim problem here in United states it s race vote bank.


don't tell me that you've been indoctrinated by bernie so much that you'd rather vote for Trump than support the DNC establishment

the whole "bernie will boost mass turnout" thing is a myth. It would energize bernie bros but that would be it. tbh a Bernie nomination might actually decrease turnout because you'd force the general population, which doesn't like socialism, to choose between the lesser of two evils. If bernie could really boost turnout like you say then he wouldn't be getting beat by Biden.

the general election will include not just the democrat electorate( in which Biden is more popular than bernie) but also republicans and moderates, who won't vote bernie. Just look at how bernie performed in a red state like South Carolina, anyone who is moderately conservative would much rather vote Biden than bernie.

biden is a veteran to politics, apart from the Ukraine scandal, I don't think he has much baggage(unlike Hillary). An election between trump and Biden would be a referendum against trump. A bernie vs Trump election would make trump the moderate and bernie the radical, it will be a referendum on socialism and not a referendum on trump
As a right winger i endorse his view seriously though you want a guy who had his son on burisma.

Biden is corrupt old man. We'll investigate his ass and trump will nip him to shreds.

Trump game plan was to not face bernie lol. It kinda worked i would say he knowsdem is in chaos , bernie bros wont back sleepy joe.

Also adding biden creepy behavior will keep away any right wing voters.
Trumpis probably better than Dubya at least. Many thought he ll drag people to war against North korea.

The only thing many of right hate trump is he blabs too much like he cant shut his mouth. It can be a problematic at times .

Overall compared to bernie trump conslidate right wing well . I really doubt he is racist or he wont be winning electorates here.
I heard that majority of black voters are against him why would that be if he ain't racist??


I heard that majority of black voters are against him why would that be if he ain't racist??
Its hard to tell i know lot of my black friends like bernie they are young generation voters.

They dont go to vote particularly in weekdays due to job or lazy to wake up lol.

The real voters are 41-60 , the trad black voter didnt want crazy ideas and revolution around. Biden was vp in obama 's presidency he has obama's blessing as back only matter of time obama announces his backing for Joe.

Trad democrat voter aka establishment voter want trump out thats it. I doubt biden can do it , he'll lose heavy most of them (senate) have their fate decide on November they dont want to risk by nominating bernie.
Curious how y’all feel about Donnie...he’s thus far excluded you from the travel ban, but he’s still a dipshit racist against anyone who isn’t a white man.
indian american here

I agree with him on a lot of stuff but
  • he has no real healthcare plan
  • his administration is a mess and is often incompetent(see the implementation of the travel ban)
  • His immigration policies go well beyond stopping illegal immigration. I am very against his "denaturalization task force" even if some of those people he denaturalized did become citizens via fraud. Some of the travel bans are legitimately racist. Imo there is no reason to ban a country like Kyrgystan just because the Boston bombers were born there. If other countries held America to such high standards, Americans would be banned by all of most of world.

I don't think he will ban India, simply because he has a good relationship with Modi and the fact that most Indian immigrants are high skilled and banning them would hurt the US economy. On the other hand, I feel like his public charge policy would help Indians by weeding out low skilled immigrants, many of whom are from Latin America, and thereby making more room for Indians.

I'd prefer Trump to bernie because while Trump does lean into fascism, he's far from being Modi, let alone hitler. On the other hand, Trump does actually love America and while he is pretty racist at times, he at least wants to uphold most of America's founding principles. Unlike Bernie who loves the USSR, Cuba, and Venezuela, wants to exercise government control over every single major industry, and hates capitalism.

That being said, I want Trump to be replaced by a competent democrat who is center left and isn't a racist or an asshole.

Given that Biden is already forecasted to have a 2/3 chance of winning the plurality with neither Obama nor the superdelegates exerting their influence, I think Bernie's candidacy is basically over. So I'm looking forward to voting Trump out of office this November
Trump game plan was to not face bernie lol. It kinda worked i would say he knowsdem is in chaos , bernie bros wont back sleepy joe.
What are you talking about lol

trump wants to face bernie, the entire GoP does. I'm a centrist so I read a lot of right wing media. They want bernie because they think he's the weaker candidate.
Trump is constantly egging on bernie in his tweets, talking about how the DNC stole or will steal the nomination from him. On the other hand Trump literally got impeached because he tried to sabotage Biden.

he only says he's afraid of bernie because he actually wants bernie to get the nomination, but his actions show a different story.
I will admit that the establishment has it out for bernie, but

They called him a communist.
I mean it's true tho

They dismissed all of Bernie’s multiracial support and acted like all of Bernie’s support was from young white dudes.
He's the senator of Vermont, which is basically White America. He has the support of hispanics, I'll admit that, but he's never had the black vote. In the first state with a high black population, he lost double digits to Biden.

also if you look at the distribution of the population who identify as "progressive", it is overwhelmingly upper-middle class, college educated, young, white people.
but I think that 4 more years of Trump could make America jump out of the boiling water instead of being slowly cooked to death.
Biden is so obsessed with compromising with Republicans that he’ll give them everything they want. No thanks.
What are you talking about?

The reason Biden compromised was so that he could get things done. Yes, Obamacare wasn't perfect but it was better than nothing. I don't think medicare for all would even be discussed right now if Obama didn't lay the groundwork for future public healthcare options with Obamacare.

Biden won't fix all our problems, but he'll make things way better than during the Obama presidency imo. If we utilize trump's unpopularity, we can keep the house and win the senate. If we do that, we can fix Obamacare and create a working public health system, even if it is inferior to medicare for all(according to berniebros)


indian american here

I agree with him on a lot of stuff but
  • he has no real healthcare plan
  • his administration is a mess and is often incompetent(see the implementation of the travel ban)
  • His immigration policies go well beyond stopping illegal immigration. I am very against his "denaturalization task force" even if some of those people he denaturalized did become citizens via fraud. Some of the travel bans are legitimately racist. Imo there is no reason to ban a country like Kyrgystan just because the Boston bombers were born there. If other countries held America to such high standards, Americans would be banned by all of most of world.

I don't think he will ban India, simply because he has a good relationship with Modi and the fact that most Indian immigrants are high skilled and banning them would hurt the US economy. On the other hand, I feel like his public charge policy would help Indians by weeding out low skilled immigrants, many of whom are from Latin America, and thereby making more room for Indians.

I'd prefer Trump to bernie because while Trump does lean into fascism, he's far from being Modi, let alone hitler. On the other hand, Trump does actually love America and while he is pretty racist at times, he at least wants to uphold most of America's founding principles. Unlike Bernie who loves the USSR, Cuba, and Venezuela, wants to exercise government control over every single major industry, and hates capitalism.

That being said, I want Trump to be replaced by a competent democrat who is center left and isn't a racist or an asshole.

Given that Biden is already forecasted to have a 2/3 chance of winning the plurality with neither Obama nor the superdelegates exerting their influence, I think Bernie's candidacy is basically over. So I'm looking forward to voting Trump out of office this November
Southern folks dont like when tjeir guns are taken.Biden wants to blanket ban on NRA.

He nominated beto for gun control it will be colassial disaster for dem campaign in south if they think they can get trump voters.
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